Golden Retrievers: Should You Get a Male or a Female?

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to get a male or female dog. Some people prefer one sex over the other, while others find that the sex of their dog doesn’t matter. Ultimately, the best way to decide is to spend time with male and female dogs of the breed you’re interested in and see which one you connect with more.

Here are some things to keep in mind when making your decision:

Male vs. Female Golden Retrievers

Size and Weight

Male Golden Retrievers are typically larger and heavier than females. Males typically weigh 65-75 pounds, while females weigh 55-65 pounds. Males are also typically two to three inches taller than females at the shoulder.


There are some general temperament differences between male and female dogs, but it’s important to remember that every dog is an individual and there will always be exceptions to the rule.

In general, males tend to be more independent and aloof than females. They are also more likely to mark their territory with urine and be more protective of their homes and families. Females tend to be more affectionate and attached to their owners. They are also more likely to get along with other dogs and be less aggressive.

Energy Level

Males and females tend to have different energy levels. Males are typically more active and playful, while females are more calm and relaxed. This is only sometimes the case, however, and some females can be just as active as males.


There are some general training differences between male and female dogs, but it’s important to remember that every dog is an individual, and there will always be exceptions to the rule.

In general, males tend to be more independent and less responsive to training than females. They are also more likely to be stubborn and resistant to commands. Females tend to be more eager to please and more responsive to training. They are also more likely to be food motivated and less likely to be stubborn.


Male and female dogs tend to have different lifespans. Males typically live one to two years longer than females. This is due to a number of factors, including hormones and genetics.


Male and female dogs tend to have different health problems. Males are more likely to suffer from hip dysplasia, while females are more likely to suffer from elbow dysplasia. Males are also more likely to suffer from testicular cancer, while females are more likely to suffer from ovarian cancer.


There are some general grooming differences between male and female dogs, but it’s important to remember that every dog is an individual, and there will always be exceptions to the rule. In general, males tend to shed more than females and require a heavier coat of fur in the winter.

The Bottomline

There are a few key things to consider when trying to decide between a male or female golden retriever or mini doodle. Size, energy levels, and shed amount are all important factors to take into account. Ultimately, the best way to choose between the two is to spend time with each gender and see which one better suits your lifestyle and personality.

If you’re looking for an English retriever breeder, Majestic Manor Goldens can help. We are a family-run, premiere breeder of English Cream Golden Retrievers. Get in touch with us.

The Best Tips on How to Groom a Golden Retriever

When it comes to grooming a golden retriever, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, goldens are very active dogs and need to be brushed daily to prevent mats and tangles. They must also be bathed regularly to keep their coat healthy and clean. Finally, goldens need their nails trimmed, and their ears cleaned regularly. Here are some tips on how to groom a golden retriever:

Train Your Dog for Grooming

The first step in grooming a golden retriever is to train your dog to accept being handled. This may seem like a difficult task, but it is actually quite simple.

Start by gently petting your dog all over his body. Once he is used to this, start brushing him with a soft brush. Be sure to brush in the direction of the hair growth to avoid tangles. Finally, introduce your dog to the bathtub. Let him sniff around and get used to being in the tub. When he is ready, give him a bath using mild dog shampoo.

Gather the Right Grooming Tools

The next step in grooming a golden retriever is gathering the right tools. You will need a soft brush, a comb, a mild dog shampoo, and nail clippers. You may also want to invest in a pair of scissors to help with the grooming process.

Ensure Excellent Coat Care

When grooming a golden retriever, you must ensure that you properly care for his coat. Start by brushing your dog with a soft brush. Be sure to brush in the direction of the hair growth to avoid tangles. You should also use a comb to remove any knots or tangles.

Give Good Oral Care

In addition to caring for your dog’s coat, you also need to give him good oral care. This includes brushing his teeth and cleaning his ears. To brush your dog’s teeth, use a toothbrush and toothpaste made for dogs. Be sure to brush the teeth on the inside and outside of the mouth. To clean your dog’s ears, use a cotton ball and a gentle dog ear cleaner.

Clean the Dog’s Ears

Clean the dog’s ears with a cotton ball and mild ear cleaner. Be sure to clean the inside of the ear, as well as the outside. You can do many things to keep your dog’s ears clean and healthy. One way to do this is to use a cotton ball and mild dog ear cleaner. Be sure to clean the inside of the ear, as well as the outside.

Trim Your Dog’s Nails

The final step in grooming a golden retriever is to trim your dog’s nails. You will need a pair of nail clippers and a file. Start by cutting the tips of your dog’s nails. Be sure not to cut too close to the quick, as this can cause your dog pain. Once the tips are cut, use a file to smooth out any sharp edges.

The Bottomline

In conclusion, keeping a golden retriever groomed and looking its best is essential to ensuring they are comfortable and happy. There are many things you can do to keep your golden retriever looking his best. One important aspect is to keep them groomed. This means checking their coat, ears, and nails regularly and doing their hair and nails. You can also give them water and food to eat and provide them with toys and playtime.

Majestic Manor Goldens are one of the best English cream breeders. We proudly raise healthy, great-tempered dogs for years of love, licks, and loyalty. Get in touch with us.

Barks, Whines, and Wags: The Language of English Cream Golden Retrievers

Communication is a two-way street, even when one end of the conversation happens to be a fluffy, four-legged friend. If you’ve got an English Cream Golden Retriever, you know they’re more than just a pretty face. They’re intelligent, expressive, and have a lot to say—if only we knew how to listen.

Well, you’re in luck! This guide is all about understanding your dog’s language—from deciphering the subtle tilt of a head to interpreting the wagging of a tail. The better you understand your English Cream Golden Retriever’s language, the stronger your bond will be. After all, wouldn’t it be great to know what your fur baby is thinking or feeling? And wouldn’t it be even better to respond in a way they understand?

So, gear up to dive into the fascinating world of canine communication. You’ll discover that ‘ruff’ isn’t just a sound, but a language all its own, filled with nuances and expressions that make your Retriever as articulate as any human.

Interpreting the Vocalizations of English Cream Golden Retrievers

1. Decoding Canine Body Language: The Foundation of Communication

Understanding your English Cream Golden Retriever’s body language is essential for interpreting their emotions, intentions, and needs. Here are some key aspects of canine body language you should pay attention to:

  • Posture: A dog’s posture can convey a broad range of messages, from confidence and assertiveness to submission and fear. Take note of your dog’s overall stance to gauge their emotional state.
  • Tail Position and Movement: The position, movement, and speed of your dog’s tail can provide valuable information about their feelings. A high, wagging tail may indicate excitement, while a tucked tail could signal fear or discomfort.
  • Ears: Direct your attention to your retriever’s ears, as their position can communicate various emotional states. Relaxed, forward-facing ears signify contentment, while pinned-back ears might indicate fear or anxiety.
  • Facial Expressions: Observe your dog’s facial expressions to gather clues about their emotions. For example, a relaxed, open mouth might indicate happiness, while a tense mouth could signal stress or unease.

2. Vocalizations: The Power of Sound in Canine Communication

Dogs communicate through a wide array of vocalizations. Familiarizing yourself with these sounds will help you understand your English Cream Golden Retriever’s needs more effectively:

  • Barking: Barking can serve many purposes, from alerting to play solicitation. Listen closely to the tone, pitch, and frequency of your dog’s bark to discern its meaning.
  • Whining: Whining is often a sign of discomfort, stress, or a desire for attention. Address any potential triggers and ensure your dog’s needs are met.
  • Growling: Growling typically signals a warning or discomfort. Respect your dog’s boundaries and analyze the situation to avoid provoking further anxiety.
  • Panting: Although panting can be a normal response to heat or excitement, excessive panting may signal distress. Keep an eye on your dog’s breathing patterns and consult with a veterinarian if concerns arise.

3. Behavioral Cues: Actions Speak Louder than Words

Pay attention to your dog’s actions and habits, as these can provide invaluable insight into their needs and emotions:

  • Play Bow: A play bow, where your dog lowers their front end while keeping their rear end elevated, is a universal canine signal for initiating play.
  • Paw Lifting: A lifted paw may indicate curiosity or uncertainty. Assess your dog’s overall demeanor to better understand the context of this behavior.
  • Circling: Circling before settling down is a natural nesting behavior, while repeated circling without settling could signal discomfort or a medical issue.
  • Tail Chasing: Though sometimes comical, tail chasing can indicate boredom, stress, or even medical issues. If this behavior persists, consult with a veterinarian.

4. Establishing Clear Communication: Your Role as a Pet Parent

While understanding your dog’s language is crucial, effectively communicating your intentions and boundaries is equally important:

  • Consistent Commands: Use consistent verbal cues and hand signals for obedience training, ensuring that your dog receives clear directions.
  • Calm Demeanor: Maintain a calm, assertive demeanor when interacting with your dog to foster a strong, respectful bond.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Opt for reward-based training methods that focus on reinforcing good behavior, helping your dog associate obedience with positive outcomes.
  • Mutual Respect: Respect your dog’s boundaries and individuality, fostering a sense of trust and security within your relationship.

Unlocking the Secrets to a Thriving Relationship

Mastering the art of canine communication is pivotal for developing a profound, enduring bond with your English Cream Golden Retriever. By deciphering your dog’s body language, vocalizations, and behaviors, you can better understand their emotions, intentions, and needs, leading to a thriving, harmonious relationship.

We hope that this comprehensive guide empowers you in your journey towards understanding your furry companion’s unique language. Engaging in effective communication reinforces trust, empathy, and respect, fostering a lifetime of love and happiness alongside your beloved English Cream Golden Retriever.

Remember that embarking on this journey is an ongoing process, requiring patience, attentiveness, and dedication. If you ever require further guidance or support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Majestic Manor Goldens.

Our English Cream Golden Retriever breeders are always here to help our fellow enthusiasts navigate the joys and challenges of dog parenting.

The Surprising Benefits of Delayed Sterilization for Dogs

Spaying and neutering dogs are common practices worldwide, driven by the desire to control the pet population, prevent certain health issues, and manage behavioral tendencies.

It is estimated that approximately 80% of pet dogs in the United States are neutered.

Traditionally, these procedures are performed early in a dog’s life, often before they reach sexual maturity.

But what if there was another, potentially more beneficial, route?

Emerging evidence suggests that delaying sterilization until later in a dog’s life may offer unique advantages to their health and overall well-being.

Read on as we explore this alternative approach to pet care.

Understanding Delayed Sterilization

So, why wait to spay or neuter a dog?

Delayed sterilization, or late-term sterilization, entails postponing the procedure until after the dog has reached sexual maturity. This usually means waiting until they are at least one year old, sometimes even longer.

While the traditional approach aims to prevent unwanted pregnancies and behaviors associated with sexual maturity, delayed sterilization allows dogs to fully develop and mature before undergoing a major surgical procedure.

Admittedly, this is a bit of a controversial topic, with some veterinarians and pet owners advocating for early sterilization as the best option. However, recent research has shed light on the potential benefits of delayed sterilization that were previously unknown.

Benefits of Delayed Sterilization

If you decide to delay sterilization for your dog, what potential benefits can you expect?

1. Reduced Risk of Joint Disorders

One significant advantage of delayed sterilization is a reduced risk of joint disorders and related conditions, such as hip dysplasia and cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) injuries.

Research has shown that dogs who undergo early spaying or neutering are more likely to develop these issues than those who are sterilized later in life. English Cream Golden Retrievers are prone to hip dysplasia, and early sterilization can increase their likelihood of developing it.

We want our pets to stay happy, healthy, and active for as long as possible, and delayed sterilization could help achieve that goal.

2. Improved Behavior

Delayed sterilization can also positively impact a dog’s behavior, specifically regarding aggression.

Studies have found that dogs neutered or spayed early in life are likelier to exhibit aggressive behaviors, such as fearfulness and reactivity towards unfamiliar people or dogs.

In contrast, those who were sterilized later in life tend to have a calmer demeanor and less aggression.

3. Lower Risk of Certain Cancers

Another surprising benefit of delayed sterilization is a potentially lower risk of certain types of cancer.

Research has shown that early spaying and neutering can increase the risk of certain cancers, such as osteosarcoma and transitional cell carcinoma. By delaying sterilization, dogs can maintain their natural hormonal balance, which may help protect against these types of cancer.

There are certain guidelines to follow depending on the breed, sex, and size of your dog. It’s best to do your research before making a decision.

When to Spay or Neuter Your English Cream Golden Retriever

While delayed sterilization may have many benefits, it’s essential to consider your dog’s needs and consult with your veterinarian before making a decision. The window for delayed sterilization is between 11 and 23 months of age, but some breeds may benefit from waiting even longer.

For English Cream Golden Retrievers, the recommended age for spaying or neutering is 12-24 months. You should plan to have the procedure done before your dog reaches three years of age.

However, this may vary depending on your dog’s individual health and development. Discussing all the potential risks and benefits with your veterinarian is crucial to making an informed decision for your pet. You may need to adjust the timeline to ensure their health and well-being.

Ultimately, the goal is to provide the best possible care for your English Cream Golden Retriever, and delayed sterilization may play a role in that care plan. By waiting until they are fully mature, you can help reduce their risk of certain health issues and potentially improve their behavior.

Helping Your English Cream Golden Retriever Stay Healthy with Supplements

Whether you decide to opt for early or delayed sterilization, there are things you can do to help your English Cream Golden Retriever maintain their health and well-being.

One way to support your dog’s overall health is by incorporating supplements into their diet. There is no shortage of supplements on the market these days, and it can be overwhelming to determine which ones are necessary for your dog.

However, it’s helpful to break them down into categories and desired results to find the best options for your pet.

Joint Supplements

Joint supplements are often recommended for dogs, particularly as they age or are susceptible to joint health issues. These supplements can help maintain healthy joint function, reduce inflammation, and alleviate discomfort associated with arthritis.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are commonly included in joint supplements, as they contribute to the formation and repair of cartilage. An example of a joint supplement is Nutramax Cosequin DS Plus, which combines glucosamine and chondroitin with MSM for comprehensive joint support.

Digestive Health Supplements

Digestive health supplements are designed to support a dog’s gastrointestinal tract. They may contain probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that aid digestion, and prebiotics, which feed these beneficial bacteria. Digestive enzymes can also be included to aid in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. An example of a high-quality digestive health supplement is Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Fortiflora, a probiotic supplement that promotes a balanced intestinal microflora.

Skin and Coat Supplements

Skin and coat supplements can help nourish your dog from the inside out, promoting a shiny coat and healthy skin. They often contain essential fatty acids, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, which have been shown to support skin health and coat shine. Biotin and vitamin E may also be included for their beneficial effects on skin and hair health. One popular skin and coat supplement is Zesty Paws Omega Bites, which combines Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants for comprehensive skin and coat support.

Addressing Concerns and Counterarguments

Some pet owners express concerns that delayed sterilization may lead to unwanted behaviors, such as marking territory or aggression, particularly in males.

There is also the worry about the risk of accidental pregnancies, which could contribute to the problem of pet overpopulation. These concerns are understandable but can be mitigated with proper training and supervision. Counterarguments supporting delayed sterilization highlight the importance of a more natural developmental process.

Allowing a dog to reach physical maturity before undergoing sterilization can contribute to stronger bones and a more robust physical structure due to the full course of hormonal growth. This can be particularly beneficial for large breeds prone to orthopedic problems.

Additionally, the risk of unwanted pregnancies can be effectively managed through vigilant supervision and containment strategies, thus minimizing the risk without sacrificing the long-term health benefits associated with delayed sterilization.

Regarding behavioral issues, recent studies suggest that dogs sterilized at an older age do not necessarily exhibit more aggression or territorial behaviors than their early-neutered counterparts.

In fact, the removal of hormones through early sterilization can sometimes amplify fear-based behaviors, which can manifest as aggression. Careful socialization and training during the dog’s development can positively influence and temper their mature behavior.

Therefore, while delayed sterilization concerns are valid, they can often be addressed through responsible pet ownership, including consistent training, socialization, and management strategies. The potential health benefits of delayed sterilization, particularly for certain breeds prone to joint and cancer issues, present a compelling case for considering this approach as part of our canine companions’ comprehensive health and wellness plan.

Should You Practice Delayed Sterilization?

In summary, the decision to practice delayed sterilization for your English Cream Golden Retriever offers many potential health benefits, such as reduced risk of certain cancers and joint issues and a stronger, more robust physical structure.

However, it’s essential to weigh these benefits against the possible challenges, including behavioral concerns and the risk of accidental pregnancies. Responsible pet ownership, including thorough training, socialization, and supervision, can mitigate many of these concerns.

Consultation with a veterinarian can provide personalized advice, aiding in an informed decision that best suits your pet’s health and well-being. You can ensure your beloved canine companion’s healthy, happy life by prioritizing comprehensive care and informed decision-making.

Understanding the English Cream Golden Retriever Breed: A Guide

The English Cream Golden Retriever, also known as the White Golden Retriever, is a breed of dog that originated in the United Kingdom. They are known for their cream-colored coat, which is longer and softer than the American Golden Retriever.

Understanding the English Cream Golden Retriever breed is essential for anyone who is considering owning one. Knowing the breed’s temperament, health issues, and care requirements can help ensure that the dog receives the best possible care and attention.

Brief History of the Breed

Golden Retrievers were first bred in the late 1800s in Scotland. They were used as hunting dogs to retrieve game birds, such as ducks and geese, from the water. The breed was developed by crossing several breeds, including the Tweed Water Spaniel, Irish Setter, and Bloodhound.

The English Cream Golden Retriever is a variation of the Golden Retriever breed that was developed in the United Kingdom. They are known for their cream-colored coat, which is a result of selective breeding.

Physical Characteristics

1) Coat

The English Cream Golden Retriever has a long, soft, and thick coat that is cream-colored. The coat is dense and water-resistant, which makes it ideal for hunting and retrieving game. The coat requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangles.

2) Size and Weight

English Cream Golden Retrievers are medium to large-sized dogs, with males typically weighing between 65 and 75 pounds and females weighing between 55 and 65 pounds. They stand around 22 to 24 inches tall at the shoulder.

3) Color

As mentioned earlier, the English Cream Golden Retriever’s coat is cream-colored. The color of their coat is due to selective breeding, and it can range from a pale cream to a darker shade of cream.

4) Other Physical Characteristics

The English Cream Golden Retriever has a broad, muscular chest and a sturdy build. They have a broad, square head with a friendly expression and dark eyes. Their ears are medium-sized and hang down, and their tail is long and feathered.

Temperament and Personality

1) Affectionate and Friendly Nature

English Cream Golden Retrievers are known for their affectionate and friendly nature. They are loyal and devoted to their families, and they love to spend time with them. They are excellent with children and make great family pets.

2) Gentle and Calm Demeanor

English Cream Golden Retrievers have a gentle and calm demeanor, which makes them great therapy dogs. They are patient and tolerant, which makes them ideal for families with young children.

3) Trainability

English Cream Golden Retrievers are highly trainable and eager to please. They respond well to positive reinforcement training methods, such as treats and praise. They are intelligent dogs and can learn a wide variety of commands and tricks.

4) Socialization and Interaction with Other Pets

English Cream Golden Retrievers are social dogs and get along well with other pets. They are friendly and outgoing and enjoy playing with other dogs. They have a high prey drive, so they may not do well with smaller animals such as cats and rabbits.

Health and Care

1) Common Health Issues

English Cream Golden Retrievers are prone to several health issues, including hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and eye problems such as cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy. They are also susceptible to cancer, which is a common cause of death in the breed.

It is important to have regular health checkups and vaccinations to prevent and detect any health issues early on.

2) Grooming and Maintenance

English Cream Golden Retrievers require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangles. They should be brushed at least once a week and bathed every two to three months. They also require regular nail trimming and ear cleaning.

3) Exercise and Diet

English Cream Golden Retrievers require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. They should be walked or played with for at least 30 minutes to an hour every day. They also require a healthy and balanced diet that is high in protein and low in fat.

4) Regular Health Checkups and Vaccinations

Regular health checkups and vaccinations are essential to keep English Cream Golden Retrievers healthy. They should receive vaccinations for common diseases such as rabies, distemper, and parvovirus. They should also have regular checkups with a veterinarian to detect any health issues early on.

Training and Socialization

1) Early Training and Obedience

Early training and obedience are essential for English Cream Golden Retrievers. They should be socialized with other dogs and people from a young age to prevent shyness or aggression. They should also be trained in basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, and come.

2) Socialization with Other Dogs and People

English Cream Golden Retrievers should be socialized with other dogs and people to prevent shyness or aggression. They should be introduced to new people and dogs slowly and in a controlled environment to prevent anxiety or fear.

3) Positive Reinforcement Techniques

Positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and praise are the best way to train English Cream Golden Retrievers. They respond well to rewards and are eager to please their owners.

4) Advanced Training and Activities

English Cream Golden Retrievers are highly trainable and can learn a wide variety of advanced commands and activities. They excel in obedience competitions, agility training, and hunting and retrieving activities.

Owning and Caring for an English Cream Golden Retriever

1) Preparing for a Golden Retriever

Preparing for an English Cream Golden Retriever involves purchasing the necessary equipment such as a crate, food and water bowls, and grooming supplies. It also involves puppy-proofing your home and yard to prevent accidents and injuries.

2) Living Arrangements

English Cream Golden Retrievers are adaptable dogs and can live in apartments or houses. However, they require regular exercise and should have access to a yard or park to run and play.

3) Daily Care and Needs

English Cream Golden Retrievers require daily exercise, grooming, and care. They should be fed a healthy and balanced diet, walked or played with every day, and groomed regularly. They also require regular health checkups and vaccinations.


Understanding the English Cream Golden Retriever breed is essential for anyone who is considering owning one. Knowing the breed’s temperament, health issues, and care requirements can help ensure that the dog receives the best possible care and attention. Owning and caring for an English Cream Golden Retriever can be a rewarding experience. They are loyal, friendly, and make great family pets.

If you wish to add a loving English Cream Retrievers to your home, Majestic Manor Goldens can help. We are a family-run breeding business proudly raising healthy, great-tempered retrievers. Get in touch with us today to learn more about getting a golden retriever through our English cream retriever breeders.

The New Puppy Checklist: Essentials for New Pet Parents

Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting experience. However, as a new dog owner, it can be overwhelming to know what essentials are needed to make your new furry friend feel comfortable and safe in their new home.

This article will provide a checklist of essential things new puppies need to ensure they have everything they need to thrive.

Essential things Puppies Need

Food and Water Bowls

One of the first things you must purchase for your new puppy is food and water bowls. The bowls should be the appropriate size for your puppy, easy to clean, and made of a durable material such as stainless steel or ceramic. Avoid plastic bowls as they can easily crack and harbor bacteria.

High-Quality Puppy Food

Puppies have specific dietary needs that differ from adult dogs. Therefore, it is essential to purchasing high-quality puppy food that is specifically formulated for their needs. Look for a puppy food that contains high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals to support their growth and development.

Collar and Leash

A collar and leash are essential for keeping your puppy safe during walks or outings. When purchasing a collar, make sure it is adjustable and fits snugly around your puppy’s neck without being too tight. A leash should be strong and durable, preferably nylon or leather.

ID Tag

An ID tag is an essential item that should be attached to your puppy’s collar. The tag should have your puppy’s name, your name, and your contact information in case they get lost. This will ensure your puppy can be returned to you as soon as possible.


A crate is a valuable tool for training your new puppy, providing them with a safe and comfortable space to rest and sleep.

The crate should be large enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around, and lie comfortably. It should also be made of durable material and have proper ventilation.


Your puppy will need a comfortable place to sleep, and a soft, cozy bed is essential. The bed should be appropriately sized for your puppy and made of a comfortable material such as fleece or cotton. Washable bedding is also essential as it can be easily cleaned if accidents occur.


Puppies love to play, and toys are essential to their development. Toys help keep your puppy entertained and mentally stimulated and can help with teething. Look for safe, durable, and appropriate toys for your puppy’s age and size.

Grooming Supplies

Grooming your puppy is essential to their care, and having the right grooming supplies is crucial. You will need a brush or comb, nail clippers, and shampoo. Look for grooming supplies that are safe for puppies and gentle on their skin.

Potty Training Supplies

Potty training can be challenging, but having the right supplies can make it easier. You will need puppy pads, cleaning supplies, and a potty training spray. Puppy pads are essential for accidents and can be placed in designated areas to encourage your puppy to go potty in the right place.

What to Do For Your Puppy

Provide a Safe and Comfortable Living Space

The first thing you need to do when bringing a new puppy home is to provide them with a safe and comfortable living space. This can be a crate, a pen, or a designated area in your home. The living space should be big enough for the puppy to move around, play, eat, and sleep comfortably.

Ensure that the living space is free from any hazards that could harm the puppy, such as electrical cords, toxic plants, or sharp objects.

Establish a Feeding Routine

Puppies have small stomachs and need to eat frequently throughout the day. Therefore, it is essential to establish a feeding routine that suits your puppy’s age, size, and breed.

Most puppies need to be fed three to four times a day until they are six months old and then twice a day after that. Provide your puppy with high-quality dog food appropriate for their age and size. Also, ensure that they have access to fresh water at all times.

Schedule Regular Vet Checkups

Regular veterinary checkups are essential for your puppy’s health and well-being. Your veterinarian can provide valuable information on your puppy’s growth, nutrition, and health. Also, they can administer vaccinations, parasite control, and preventive care to keep your puppy healthy and protected against diseases.

Remember to schedule regular vet checkups for your puppy, following your veterinarian’s recommendations.

Train and Socialize your Puppy

Training and socialization are crucial for your puppy’s mental and behavioral development. Early socialization helps your puppy to become comfortable with different people, animals, and environments. It also helps prevent your puppy’s fear, aggression, and anxiety.

On the other hand, training helps to teach your puppy basic commands, such as sit, stay, come, and heel. It also helps to establish a bond of trust and respect between you and your puppy.

Groom Your Puppy Regularly

Grooming is an essential part of your puppy’s health and hygiene. Regular grooming helps to keep your puppy’s coat clean, shiny, and free from mats and tangles. It also helps prevent skin, ear, and dental problems.

Make sure to brush your puppy’s coat regularly, bathe them as needed, trim their nails, and clean their ears and teeth. Also, consider taking your puppy to a professional groomer for a more thorough grooming session.

Provide Lots of Love and Attention

Finally, providing your puppy with lots of love and attention is essential. Puppies thrive on affection, praise, and positive reinforcement. Therefore, spend time with your puppy, playing, cuddling, and bonding.

Also, provide them with toys, treats, and other forms of positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. Remember that your puppy’s happiness and well-being depend on your love and attention.

The Bottom Line

A new puppy at home is a great source of joy and excitement. However, it is essential to have the right supplies to ensure your puppy is comfortable, safe, and healthy.

Following this checklist of essential things new puppies need, you can provide your new furry friend with everything they need to thrive. Remember, providing your puppy with love, attention, and proper care is the key to being a responsible dog owner.

Majestic Manor Goldens is a family-run, premiere breeder of English Cream Golden Retrievers breeder. We proudly raise healthy, great-tempered dogs for years of love, licks, and loyalty. You’re in the right place if you are looking for an English retriever breeder. Contact us today to learn more and get started!

Home Planning | Welcoming an English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy Home

Bringing home a new puppy can be an exciting experience for any family. However, it can also be overwhelming and stressful, especially if you are a first-time puppy owner. One breed that has gained popularity in recent years is the English Cream Golden Retriever.

These puppies are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, making them a popular choice for families with children. If you are considering bringing an English Cream Golden Retriever puppy home, here’s what you need to know.

Choosing the Right Breeder

When bringing home an English Cream Golden Retriever puppy, it is important to choose a reputable breeder. Do your research and find a breeder that is knowledgeable in the breed and has a good reputation. Ask for references from previous puppy buyers and check out any reviews online. Make sure the breeder is focused on the health and well-being of the puppies and not just focused on making a profit. It is also important to ask to see the puppy’s parents and ask about their health history.

Preparing Your Home

Before bringing your puppy home, make sure your home is prepared. Puppies are curious and like to explore, so it is important to puppy-proof your home. Remove any hazardous items that could be a choking hazard or toxic, such as electrical cords and plants. Make sure to use baby gates or barriers to keep your puppy away from any areas you don’t want him to access. Also, provide your puppy with a safe and comfortable place to sleep.

Introducing Your Puppy to Your Home

When you bring your puppy home for the first time, it is important to take things slow. Give your puppy time to adjust to his new environment and let him explore without being overwhelmed. Let him get used to the sights and smells of your home. Make sure to introduce him to all family members and other pets in a calm and relaxed manner. Give him plenty of love and attention, and allow him to get comfortable with his new home.

Training and Socialization

Training and socialization are essential for any puppy, but especially for an English Cream Golden Retriever. These puppies are known for their friendly and affectionate personalities, so it’s important to start training and socialization as soon as possible. Start by introducing your puppy to new people, places, and animals.

This will help your puppy get used to different environments and help him learn how to interact with other people and animals. You can also start basic obedience training such as sit, stay, come, and recall. Positive reinforcement is the key to successful training, so make sure to reward your puppy with treats and praise when he does something right.

Socialization is also important for your puppy’s development. Take your puppy to dog parks, pet stores, and obedience classes so he can get used to different environments and people. This will help him learn how to interact in different scenarios and help him become a well-rounded and socialized dog.

Feeding and Exercise

Feeding and exercise are important for any puppy, but especially for an English Cream Golden Retriever. These puppies are known for their high energy levels, so it’s important to provide them with the right nutrition and exercise. Feed your puppy high-quality, nutritious food that is specifically made for puppies. Make sure to provide your puppy with plenty of fresh, clean water throughout the day.

Exercise is also essential for your puppy’s development. English Cream Golden Retrievers are active dogs, so they need plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy. Take your puppy on regular walks, play fetch, and provide him with interactive toys. This will help keep your puppy mentally and physically stimulated and help him develop properly.

Health and Wellness

Before you bring your puppy home, it is important to ensure they are healthy and up to date on its vaccinations. Ask your breeder for a copy of the puppy’s health records, and ensure they have been checked by a veterinarian. If you are adopting from a shelter, ensure the puppy has been spayed or neutered and vaccinated against common illnesses.

Once you bring your puppy home, create a routine for them. Make sure they are fed the same food at the same time every day, and that they have regular potty breaks. Make sure they get enough exercise and playtime, as this helps keep them healthy and happy. Take your puppy to the vet for regular check-ups, and ensure they are up to date on their vaccinations.

Bonding With Your Puppy

After you bring your puppy home, take the time to bond with them. This will help create a strong relationship and set the foundation for a lifetime of affection and companionship. Spend time with your puppy daily, playing, walking, and cuddling. Give them plenty of love and attention, and be patient with them as they learn the house rules.

When training your puppy, use positive reinforcement such as treats and praise. Avoid negative reinforcement such as yelling or hitting, as this can cause your puppy to be fearful and could negatively impact their behaviour. Take the time to teach them basic commands such as sit, stay, and come, and be consistent with your rules.

What NOT to Do

When bringing your English Cream Golden Retriever puppy home, there are some important things to avoid. One of the main things to keep in mind is to never leave your puppy alone for long periods. This can lead to separation anxiety, which can cause destructive behaviors and stress.

It’s also important to avoid overfeeding your puppy. While it’s important to provide them with a balanced, nutritional diet, it’s important to feed them the right amount. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health issues, so make sure to follow the feeding guidelines provided by your vet.

Additionally, it’s important to avoid harsh punishments and to never hit your puppy. If they’re misbehaving, use positive reinforcement such as verbal commands and treats to encourage good behavior. Harsh punishments can cause fear and anxiety, and may lead to more behavioral issues in the future.

Finally, avoid spoiling your puppy too much. While it’s important to give them plenty of love and affection, you don’t want to create a spoiled pup. This can lead to behavioral issues such as disobedience and aggression. Instead, provide your puppy with appropriate amounts of love, attention, and treats.


Bringing an English Cream Golden Retriever puppy home can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. With proper preparation, training, and care, you can provide your new puppy with a happy and healthy life. Remember to choose a reputable breeder, puppy-proof your home, establish a routine, and provide your puppy with plenty of exercise and socialization. With time and patience, your new puppy will become a beloved and cherished member of your family.

Majestic Manor Goldens is a family-run breeding business proudly raising healthy, great-tempered English cream retrievers. We ensure dog lovers can get a pet they will shower with years of love and give them licks and loyalty as long as they live. Visit our website today to learn more about getting a golden retriever through our English cream retriever breeders.

Key Golden Retriever Nutrition Facts You Should Know

Key Golden Retriever Nutrition Facts You Should Know

A golden retriever is a beautiful, friendly, and intelligent breed of dog that is loved by many. They are great family pets and are known for their loyalty and obedience. However, like all dogs, they require proper nutrition to stay healthy and happy. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about nutrition for a golden retriever.

What’s the Best Food for Golden Retrievers?

The best food for golden retrievers is a diet that’s high in protein and fat. Protein helps your dog grow and develop, while fat provides energy and helps keep your dog’s coat healthy. A diet that’s high in fiber is also important for golden retrievers, as it helps keep their digestive system healthy.

Golden retrievers are also known to be prone to weight gain, so it’s important to choose a food that’s not too high in calories. You’ll also want to avoid foods that contain artificial preservatives, flavors, or colors, as these can be harmful to your dog’s health.

Ingredients to Look For When Buying Dog Food for a Golden Retriever

When you’re looking for the best food for golden retrievers, you’ll want to make sure the food you choose contains the following ingredients:

Protein: Protein is essential for your dog’s growth and development. Look for a food that contains at least 18% protein.

Fat: Fat provides energy and helps keep your dog’s coat healthy. Look for a food that contains at least 8% fat.

Fiber: Fiber is important for keeping your dog’s digestive system healthy. Look for a food that contains at least 4% fiber.

These are the minimum amounts of each nutrient that your dog needs in their diet. However, you may want to choose a food that contains even more of these nutrients, as this will provide your dog with even more health benefits.

How Much Food Do Golden Retrievers Need?

The amount of food golden retrievers need depends on their age, activity level, and weight. Puppies and young dogs need more food than adults, as they’re growing and developing. Active dogs also need more food than sedentary dogs, as they burn more calories.

As a general rule of thumb, you should feed your golden retriever about 2.5 to 3.5 cups of food per day. This is just a starting point, though, and you may need to adjust the amount of food you give your dog based on their individual needs.

The Importance of Vitamins and Minerals for Golden Retrievers

Vitamins and minerals are essential for golden retrievers, as they help keep their bodies healthy and functioning properly. Some of the most important vitamins and minerals for golden retrievers include:

  • -Vitamin A: This vitamin helps keep your dog’s eyes, skin, and coat healthy.
  • -Vitamin B: This vitamin helps your dog’s nervous system function properly.
  • -Vitamin C: This vitamin helps boost your dog’s immune system.
  • -Vitamin D: This vitamin helps your dog absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for strong bones and teeth.
  • -Vitamin E: This vitamin helps protect your dog’s cells from damage.
  • -Vitamin K: This vitamin helps your dog’s blood clot properly.

Puppies need more vitamins than adult dogs because they are growing and developing. Make sure you are feeding your puppy a high-quality puppy food that has all of the essential vitamins and minerals he needs.

Common Nutritional Pitfalls When Feeding Your Golden Retriever

1. Overweight

Just like humans, dogs can become overweight if they consume too many calories. Obesity can lead to several health problems in dogs, including diabetes, joint problems, and respiratory difficulties.

To keep your Golden Retriever at a healthy weight, feed him a balanced diet and make sure he gets plenty of exercise. Avoid giving him too many treats and table scraps.

2. Underweight

While being overweight is a common nutritional problem in dogs, being underweight can also be a concern. Some dogs are naturally skinny, but others may be underweight due to illness or poor nutrition.

If you’re concerned that your dog is underweight, take him to the vet for a check-up. Your vet can determine if there is a medical reason for his weight loss or if he just needs to be fed more.

3. Allergies

Like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies. Food allergies are the most common type of allergy in dogs, and they can be caused by various ingredients, including corn, wheat, soy, and chicken.

If you think your dog has a food allergy, talk to your vet. He can help you identify the allergen and make sure your dog is getting the nutrition he needs.

4. Digestive Problems

Dogs can suffer from various digestive problems, including diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting. These problems can be caused by several factors, including allergies, infections, and parasites.

If your dog is having digestive problems, talk to your vet. He can help you identify the cause and treat the problem.

5. Vitamin Deficiencies

Certain vitamin deficiencies can cause health problems in dogs. For example, a vitamin A deficiency can cause dry skin and hair loss, while a vitamin B12 deficiency can cause anemia. If you think your dog may be deficient in a certain vitamin, talk to your vet. He can perform blood tests to check for deficiencies and prescribe supplements if necessary.

Are Raw Diets Good For Golden Retrievers?

Raw diets are becoming more popular among dog owners, but there’s a lot of debate about whether or not they’re actually good for dogs. Some people believe that raw diets are the best way to feed dogs because they’re more natural and contain all the nutrients dogs need. Others believe that raw diets are dangerous because they can contain bacteria that can make dogs sick.

There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to raw diets. Some dogs do great on them, while others don’t. If you’re considering switching your dog to a raw diet, talk to your vet first. He can help you decide if a raw diet is right for your dog and give you tips on how to transition your dog to a raw diet safely.


If you want to ensure that your golden retriever stays healthy and happy, then you need to pay close attention to their diet and nutrition. A healthy, balanced diet is essential for all dogs, but it is especially important for golden retrievers since they are prone to certain health problems. Talk to your veterinarian about the best diet for your golden retriever, and be sure to provide them with plenty of fresh, clean water.

Majestic Manor Goldens is a family-run breeding business proudly raising healthy, great-tempered English cream retrievers. We ensure dog lovers can get a pet they will shower with years of love and give them licks and loyalty as long as they live. Visit our website today to learn more about getting a golden retriever through our English cream retriever breeders.

The Benefits of Adding Another Puppy to Your Family

Bringing a puppy into your home is a decision that comes with endless joy, laughter, and unforgettable moments. The innocent playfulness of a puppy can light up a room, turning even the gloomiest day into a celebration of life.

Now, imagine doubling that happiness with a second puppy.

We know, we know, it might sound like a lot of work (and it is!), but the benefits far outweigh the challenges. Adding another puppy to your family can bring even more love, companionship, and fun into your home.

Because the benefits of adding another puppy to your family extend far beyond just entertainment.

It provides your existing puppy with a playmate and a companion to grow with and learn from. This addition can enrich the dynamics of your family, fostering a sense of unity and mutual care among all family members.

So, let’s begin exploring why you should consider bringing home another puppy.

Socialization Benefits of Another Dog

One of the most significant advantages of bringing a second puppy into your household is the enhancement of socialization for both dogs.

Importance of Socialization for Dogs

Dog socialization is a critical aspect of their development and behavioral well-being. It involves exposing your canine buddies to various experiences, environments, and other animals, helping them become well-adjusted pets.

Introducing a second puppy into your home creates an environment conducive to constant interaction and growth.

This interaction promotes improved communication skills, teaching them to read and respond effectively to each other’s body language.

This companionship can also lead to more balanced behavior in both pets. With a playmate to burn off energy, both puppies will likely be less destructive in the home.

Moreover, aggressive or dominant tendencies may be mitigated as they learn to share resources and attention. The presence of another dog can reduce anxiety during periods of separation from their human family, ultimately fostering contentment and better behavior.

How to Build a Dynamic Puppy Duo

Creating memorable shared experiences is key to building a strong bond between your dogs. Engage in activities that both dogs enjoy and can participate in together. This could be as simple as a game of fetch in the backyard or a walk in the park. These shared experiences provide exercise and create a bond of companionship and shared joy.

Joint playtime is also vital to helping your dogs build a strong bond. This can be facilitated through interactive dog toys requiring cooperation or doggie playdates with other pets in your community.

Exercise is another essential aspect of building a strong relationship between your dogs. Exercising together, like taking walks or running in the park, helps keep your dogs healthy and strengthens their bond as they share experiences and learn to work as a team.

Remember, these activities aim to keep your dogs physically active and foster a sense of unity and mutual respect between them. The experiences they share will form the foundation of their bond, helping them to grow closer and more comfortable with each other. These bonds, once formed, will enrich their lives and make your home a place of shared joy and companionship.

A Positive Impact on Your Current Dog

Introducing a second puppy into your home can be one of the most compassionate acts you can do for your existing pet. It offers them a friend, a playmate, and a confidant, all wrapped up in a furry, playful bundle. This companionship can significantly reduce anxiety in your pet, especially when human family members are not around. It provides a sense of reassurance, knowing they have another fellow companion to rely on.

Moreover, having a playmate around encourages physical activity, promoting healthier habits for your existing dog. Playful skirmishes, chasing games, and shared explorations offer physical stimulation and exciting challenges that keep both dogs active and engaged. Regular activity and exercise are crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and your pets’ overall well-being.

The presence of another dog can also offer cognitive challenges, stimulating mental growth and adaptation.  Their cognitive abilities improve as they learn to communicate and understand each other, leading to more balanced behavior and problem-solving skills.

Considerations Before Adding a Second Dog

But adding a second dog to your familial unit is no small decision. As you did when you decided to bring home your first puppy, you must carefully consider whether your family is ready for another addition.

Some key factors to remember include the size and breed of the second dog, space availability in your home and backyard, financial considerations, and time commitment. You want to ensure both dogs have enough room to explore and play without overcrowding or causing tension.

Financial Implications

Adding another puppy to your family will undoubtedly increase the financial burden. You must consider the additional costs of food, veterinary care, grooming, and supplies for two dogs instead of one.

And as they grow older, these expenses will likely increase.

Time Commitment

Raising a second puppy requires double the time and effort. You must ensure enough time to train, exercise, and provide attention to both dogs individually and as a unit.

Moreover, you must also be prepared for the added responsibility of caring for two dogs regarding walks, feeding schedules, and other daily tasks.

Space and Living Conditions

Before bringing home a second puppy, ensure you have enough space to accommodate both dogs comfortably.

It would be best to consider your existing dog’s personalities, energy levels, and potential new additions to ensure compatibility.

Potential Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Introducing a second puppy may also be challenging, especially during the initial stages. Some common issues include resource guarding, jealousy, and competition for attention.

To prevent these problems, ensure you introduce both puppies under controlled situations and supervise their interactions closely. Provide separate crates and feeding areas to minimize competition for resources.

Additionally, make sure to give each dog individual attention and affection to prevent feelings of jealousy or neglect.

Proper training and management can overcome these challenges, creating a happy and harmonious household.

Ready to Get Started with the Process?

If you’ve run through all the above factors and are ready to bring home a second puppy, congratulations! Just remember to take things slow and introduce your dogs gradually. Keep an eye on their interactions and provide plenty of opportunities for them to bond through shared experiences and playtime.

With patience, consistency, and lots of love, you can successfully build a dynamic puppy duo that will enrich each other’s lives and bring endless joy to your home.

Expert Tips for Creating a Puppy Schedule

Bringing home a new puppy is a delightful combo of Christmas morning joy and “parenting 101” lessons on steroids.

Your pup is a furry bundle of chew toys, countless cuddles, and…did I mention the chew toys?

But amidst the fuzzy happiness and the squeaky toys underfoot, there’s a pivotal mission we need to chat about – creating a consistent and healthy schedule for your new four-legged family member.

This isn’t just about saving your favorite shoes from the puppy’s teething phase; it’s about setting the stage for a happy and healthy life for your puppy.

And plus, we could all use a bit of predictability amidst the tail-wagging chaos of life. So, let’s dive in and explore some expert tips for creating a puppy schedule.

Establish a Routine

Dogs are creatures of habit, and puppies are no exception.

To help your pup adjust to their new home and life with you, it’s crucial to establish a consistent daily routine.

To ensure a well-structured routine, it is important to allocate specific times for meals, walks, playtime, and potty breaks. By establishing a consistent schedule, you can provide your furry friend with the stability they need to thrive.

Whether it’s enjoying a nutritious meal together, going on invigorating walks, engaging in interactive play sessions, or allowing time for necessary potty breaks, these carefully planned activities contribute to your pet’s overall well-being and happiness.

Maintaining a consistent schedule lets your puppy know what to expect and feel more secure in their new environment.

Age Matters

When it comes to creating a puppy schedule, age matters. Puppies have different needs at different stages of development.

For example, younger puppies, especially those under four months old, may require more frequent potty breaks and playtime. Their bladder capacity is still developing, so they may need to relieve themselves every 1-2 hours.

Additionally, their energy levels are typically higher, so they benefit from shorter, more frequent play sessions throughout the day.

On the other hand, older puppies, around 6-12 months old, can handle longer periods of alone time without needing a potty break. Their bladder capacity has increased, allowing them to hold it for 4-6 hours.

They still enjoy playtime but can engage in longer play sessions and may not need as many breaks during the day.

It’s essential to research and understand your specific breed’s needs and consult with your veterinarian for guidance on creating a schedule tailored to your puppy’s age.

Be Flexible

While maintaining a consistent routine is crucial, it’s also essential to be flexible.

Puppies, with their playful and curious nature, can sometimes be unpredictable. Factors such as teething, growth spurts, and occasional illnesses can disrupt their routine and schedule.

During teething, puppies may experience discomfort and tend to chew on objects to alleviate it. Similarly, growth spurts can lead to increased appetite and energy levels. Occasional illnesses can temporarily affect a puppy’s overall well-being and activity level.

It’s important for puppy owners to be aware of these factors and provide appropriate care and attention during these periods of adjustment.

Be prepared to adjust the schedule as needed, and be patient with your puppy as they go through these changes.

Don’t Forget Training

Along with daily routines, it’s vital to incorporate training into your puppy’s schedule.

Puppies are sponges for learning new things, so take advantage of this early on.

To ensure effective training, allocating dedicated daily sessions exclusively for working on obedience, commands, and socialization is important. By setting aside specific time for these activities, you can focus on reinforcing desired behaviors, teaching new commands, and facilitating positive interactions with other dogs and people.

Not only will this help your puppy become a well-behaved member of the family, but it also provides crucial mental stimulation.

Consider Your Schedule

When creating a puppy schedule, it’s also essential to consider your own schedule.

Make sure you have enough time in your day to devote to caring for and spending quality time with your puppy.

If you work outside of the home, consider hiring a dog walker or enrolling your pup in daycare to provide them with socialization and exercise while you’re away.

The Right Amount of Exercise

Puppies are bundles of energy; providing them with enough exercise is essential for their physical and mental well-being.

However, finding the right balance is crucial; too much activity can lead to injuries or overstimulation.

Consult with your veterinarian on how much exercise is appropriate for your puppy’s age and breed, and incorporate playtime into their daily schedule.

The Right Amount of Rest

As with exercise, finding the right balance of rest for your puppy is important.

While puppies need plenty of sleep, too much downtime can lead to boredom and destructive behavior.

Ensure your puppy has designated playtime and mental stimulation throughout their day to keep them happy and engaged.

Final Thoughts on Puppy Scheduling

Creating a puppy schedule may seem like a daunting task, but with these expert tips, you’ll be well on your way to raising a happy and healthy pup.

Remember to establish consistency, be flexible, consider your puppy’s age and needs, prioritize training and sleep, and stick with it.

With patience and dedication, you’ll soon have a well-adjusted dog who brings endless joy and love into your home.

So, go ahead and enjoy all the cuddles and kisses from your furry companion, knowing that you have a solid schedule in place to provide them with structure and stability. Happy puppy parenting!