All of our English Cream golden retriever puppies come with ENS training, with the option for a comprehensive 2 or 4-week training program, to help ease the transition into your family life. All training is done by our outstanding training staff. Since we know an extra week or two away from your new puppy can be hard, we’ll provide video updates and photos.

Explore our suite of training options below.

Early Neurological Stimulation

  • Occurs days 3–16
  • Daily ENS Workout
  • Puppy Socialization
  • Tactical stimulation
  • Included with your adoption
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Puppy Foundation

  • 2 Week Course
  • Intro of Crate Training
  • Begin Shaping Behaviors
  • Basic Manners
  • Core Commands
  • $2500
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Good Puppy Citizen

  • 4 Week Course
  • Addtl. Advanced Commands
  • Maintaining & Improving Behaviors
  • Training with Distractions.
  • Trick Training
  • $4500
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We are not new to raising puppies, but MMG's training absolutely set this experience apart. Getting off on such a strong training foot made an already exciting homecoming all the better and (almost) chaos free! We cannot recommend Majestic Manor's training program highly enough.

The Galliher Family

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