A Beginner’s Guide to Potty Training Your English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy

Potty training an English Cream Golden Retriever is a crucial part of being a responsible pet parent. It is important to start this process as early as possible, as the puppy is still learning and developing its habits. Golden retrievers are intelligent, so they can be easily trained to use the bathroom in the right areas. Potty training your puppy will require consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement.

Your other option is to invest in professional training for your English Cream Golden Retriever puppy – some breeders provide puppy training so be sure to do your research or ask!

What Items to Prepare When Potty Training an English Cream Golden Retriever

Potty training can be difficult, but it can go much smoother with the right items and preparation. Here is a list of items you should have to help potty train your puppy.

  1. Dog Treats

Having a supply of treats on hand is essential when potty training your English Cream Golden Retriever. Treats act as positive reinforcement, which helps to reinforce good behavior in your puppy. Make sure you have a variety of treats to choose from, as different treats will be more appealing to your puppy.

Another thing to keep in mind is the size of the treats you’re providing. Training treats are specifically meant to be small, and hopefully, you are choosing a brand with some health benefits. However, your puppy is going to grow significantly in their first year and its metabolism will work in your favor. You shouldn’t need to put your brand-new puppy on a diet!

  1. Crate

A crate is an important item when potty training your puppy. Most dogs feel comfortable in a crate, which will help them learn when and where to go to the bathroom. Make sure you get a large crate for your puppy to move around in and put a soft blanket in the bottom for them to sleep on.

Dogs will rarely defecate or urinate where they sleep or live, so with the right type of crate-training, your puppy shouldn’t have accidents in their crates unless they have been left in it for too long. The crate should be a designated safe space for your dog, and when they are let out of their crate and sent directly outside, they will learn to use the outdoors as a place to relieve themselves.

  1. Potty Pads

Potty pads are a great way to help your puppy learn where to go to the bathroom. Place the potty pads

in the designated area where you want your puppy to go to the bathroom, such as a corner of the room (if its indoors), on a balcony, or an area of the yard if it aids in transitioning them.

  1. Leash

A leash will help you take your puppy outside to the bathroom. Make sure to get a leash that is the right size for your pup and comfortable for you and your pup. Over time, your dog can learn to associate the leash with an opportunity to go to the bathroom.

  1. Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning supplies, such as paper towels, cleaning solutions, and disposal bags, are essential when potty training your puppy. When your puppy has an accident, it is important to clean it up right away to prevent any bad habits from forming. When you’re welcoming a new puppy into your home, regardless of breed, you should expect your puppy to have accidents! It’s going to happen, they simply don’t know any better until you start potty training them!

How to Potty Train an English Cream Golden Retriever

Potty training a puppy can be a daunting task. However, with patience and consistency, it can be achieved. Here are a few steps to help you potty train your new English Cream Golden Retriever puppy:

  1. Set up a Routine

Establish a potty training routine for your puppy. Take them outside at the same time every day and be consistent with the schedule. By doing so, you are encouraging them to follow a schedule with you, making it easier for them to know when it is time to do their business.

  1. Use Positive Reinforcement

Reward your puppy with treats and praise when they go to the proper spot. This reinforces the desired behavior and encourages them to repeat it. You can start by giving them a treat every time and as they get used to it, you can start waning on the treats. This is to ensure that they know that it is only normal behavior and is not necessarily something they should only do for treats. Attaching a word like “potty” to their opportunities to use the bathroom is a good idea.

  1. Supervise Closely

Supervise your puppy closely when they are outside and inside! If they begin to go to the bathroom in the wrong spot, quickly take them to the proper area and praise him when they take care of it there. Sometimes catching a puppy just before an accident happens, or during an accident, is the best way to make big strides when potty training.

  1. Clean up Accidents

Clean up any accidents promptly. This will help eliminate any odors that may attract your puppy back to the same spot. Make sure to sanitize the area and try to spray it with something that could remove any smells that your dog may have left behind. There are some products that create an odor that dogs actively dislike and can discourage them from using that same spot.

  1. Be Patient

Potty training can be a long process, and setbacks are to be expected. Be patient and consistent; your puppy will eventually learn the desired behavior. With consistency and diligence, many dogs can get the hang of it in 2-8 weeks.

What to Avoid When Potty Training Your English Cream Golden Retriever

Just like there are some best practices for you to know, there are also some things you need to avoid. By knowing what these things are, you can ensure that your dog know what is incorrect behavior.

  1. Avoid Yelling at Your Dog

While it can be frustrating if your dog goes in the wrong spot, it is important that you do not yell at them. Not only will this scare them and possibly traumatize them, but it can also encourage your dog to eat their waste to hide it from you. Positivity, and encouraging and rewarding the right behaviors, are almost always the way to go when it comes to training your dog.

  1. Don’t Walk Your Dog to Force Them to Poop

While this is something that many dog owners practice, it’s actually not healthy. This could encourage your dog to only go when you walk him, and they could end up holding it in until you can go out for your daily walk. Make sure that your dog is aware that they can go whenever they want to or need to, and encourage them to let you know.

  1. Not Paying Attention to Signs

More often than not, when your puppy needs to go, there are changes in their behavior. They may start sniffing around or seem distracted. If they start digging or try to go into a squatting position, this is often a big sign that they need to go. Make sure to identify what behavior your dog shows whenever they need to go so that you can always let them out on time.

  1. Ignoring Hold Times

Just like humans, dogs can also hold their need to go. However, this changes depending on their age. The younger your puppy is, the more likely it is that it will need to go more often. This can also be affected by a number of factors like activity level, appetite, and more.


Potty training an English Cream Golden Retriever puppy may not be easy, but it’s doable with patience and consistency. Like with most things in life, success with potty training will come with time and practice. The key is to be patient, remain positive, and keep rewarding your furry friend for good behavior.

If you are seeking an English Cream Golden Retriever breeder in the USA, we hope you look at us here at Majestic Manor Goldens. We are a family-run, premiere breeder of English Cream Golden Retrievers that raise healthy and great-tempered dogs for families. Get in touch with us at Majestic Manor Goldens to bring home your new loyal companion or find our available puppies online!

English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy Planning 101

Bringing an English Cream Golden Retriever puppy into your home can be incredibly exciting and often overwhelming. It’s a lot to consider, from supplies, care, finances, time, and more. However, they’re also one of the best dog breeds on the planet and you’ll never find an English Cream Golden Retriever owner that regrets bringing their furry bundle of joy into their home and life.

English Cream Golden Retrievers are intelligent and incredibly loyal breeds, and they’re utterly adorable. You can spot these pups by their signature cream-colored coats that are many shades lighter than what you will see on a more traditional American golden retriever. If you are planning on housing one, you won’t be disappointed!

But if you are a new and emerging pet parent, you might find the idea of keeping a dog somewhat intimidating. With some research and the right preparatory steps, you will do great with your English Cream Golden Retriever! To assist you, we have developed a small guide that will take you from an under-experienced pet parent to a commendable dog owner! Read through this English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy Planning 101 to get ready to welcome your new puppy home.

English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy Planning 101

Finding the Right English Cream Golden Retriever Breeder

The very first step to take is finding the right breeder. You may wonder if you could get one from a dog rescue, but that is highly unlikely. The English Cream Golden Retriever breed is rarely found at rescues or shelters. It can even be difficult to find them among breeders, especially those that are qualified, pet-focused, and professional. We also would not recommend working through a puppy broker, as they frequently get their puppies from puppy mills. Your best bet is to find a breeder that specializes in the breed and has English Cream Golden Retriever puppies for sale to ensure you are purchasing a happy, healthy puppy.

Choosing your English Cream Golden Retriever breeder is just as important as choosing your puppy. Puppies from irresponsible breeders may not be what the breeder claims they are. Oftentimes these puppies are also more prone to health problems as they age. Irresponsible breeders may skip screening parent members for health issues before breeding, which is unethical. In short, such breeders should be avoided.

You will also want to know about how the pups are born and raised. How the breeder handles the puppy, has the puppy been vaccinated, and so on. The right breeders will be positive, open, and honest with you and give detailed answers regarding how their breeding program works.

With the right breeders, you as the buyer oftentimes have to pass their own screening! They won’t sell their puppies to just anybody and prefer for their puppies to go to secure, welcoming homes.

Choose Your English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy

Once you have chosen a breeder, you can now move on to choosing your puppy! Some breeders may have a waitlist, so it’s always helpful to plan in advance for when you’re looking to bring your dog home!

The breeder will most likely introduce you to a litter of available English Cream Golden Retriever puppies and have you select the one you like. If you’ve done your research to find the right breeder, it’s hard to go wrong when choosing the right puppy! There’s no real trick: pick the one that’s the cutest to you!

Some breeders may give you the option of training, so that when you’ve finally got your puppy, they are potty-trained, has gone through socialization with other dogs and people, and are basically just a cute angel that loves you. Without training, you as the pet parent will have to go through those steps: potty-training, crate-training, behavior and safety regarding territorial behavior and food, and so on.

You can look out for small things, however. For instance, see how they react around their littermates and see their energy levels. Are they dominant around their littermates? Are they barking too much? You will also want to see how they react to outsiders; are they curious or fearful? These small observations may give you insight into the slowly budding personality of the puppy.

If you don’t have the opportunity to meet your puppy before bringing them home, ask your breeder if they can provide you with more insight on their behavior and health, or send you videos!

Puppy Vaccinations

A visit to the vet should already be scheduled as soon as you get a puppy. A vet will give your puppy a physical examination to root out any problems he may have been born with or similar medical issues. You will also be able to discuss when your puppy should be spayed or neutered. But aside from this all, you need to give special attention to puppy vaccinations.

Vaccinations will protect your puppy from dangerous and deadly dog diseases. Most breeders may have your puppy initially vaccinated, but if they haven’t, you need to get your puppy vaccinated as soon as possible. After that, you will have to get your puppy booster shots annually for the remainder of their lives. Until you can confirm that your puppy is properly vaccinated, keep them shielded from stray animals and other dogs that may be carrying diseases.

Even with your dog healthy, you should keep a list of the nearest emergency animal hospitals ready. This way, if your puppy ever gets injured, you will be ready to make sure your puppy gets the help he needs on time.

Puppy Proof Your Home

The next step is to prepare your home for your new puppy. Soon after you bring your puppy into your home they’ll be running around and exploring their new surroundings, especially if they has a curious nature. So, you must ensure your environment is safe for your puppy to walk around.

  • You should start by covering your wire cords and power cables. A growing puppy may develop chewing and biting habits which can be dangerous if they start chewing on stray power cables.
  • Next, make sure your bags, your medications, and even your trash are not easily exposed. Sadly, pets are inadvertently and accidentally poisoned every year by ingesting toxic substances found in them.
  • You also want to remove any poisonous herbs or plants from around the house; not all are safe for dogs.
  • Keep an eye out for low-hanging fruit: your puppy will want to test you! Anything on a low table or countertop that looks like it could be food or a toy should be considered. Push sensitive or breakable items into the center of tables or countertops and out of reach of dogs.
  • Initially, you may want to consider limiting your English Cream Golden Retriever puppy’s movement inside your home. You can gate off areas to prevent them from getting into these areas and make their space larger over time.

Prepare for Grooming Needs

Keeping your puppy groomed is one of your many responsibilities as a pet parent. To keep your English Cream Golden Retriever’s coat and skin healthy, be careful to feed them high-quality dog food. You also need to purchase a good dog shampoo and a dog brush. If your dog’s coat is maintained correctly, it will help protect its skin and coat for years to come.

While your puppy’s coat will have a self-cleaning quality, we still recommend that you brush your dog’s coat at least a few times a week. This will remove any dried mud and dirt and remove any dead hair that can build up over time.

As for shampooing, use a puppy-friendly shampoo, and do not overbathe your dog. Rinse out the shampoo thoroughly whenever you use it. As a rule of thumb, you should bathe your dog at least once every 30 days or so. Overbathing can dry out your dog’s skin and lead to fur breakage.

Based on your dog’s behaviors and needs, you may need to visit the groomer or brush them out more or less frequently than advised here. Every dog is different, and for some pet parents that have dogs that love rolling around in the mud, a consistent supply of shampoo or a membership to a local self-wash station may not be a bad idea!

Necessary Pet Supplies

You may already be listing supplies to have ready for your new puppy. Some essentials you should be adding include:

  • Water bowls and food bowls that are easily washed and won’t break cheaply.
  • An identification tag with your dog’s name, complete address, and contact number
  • Plenty of chew toys, as your puppy will have a habit of chewing as he starts teething. If you want to save your furniture, you should stock up on plenty of puppy chew toys.
  • A dog bed – one with a removable, washable cover, is a good choice.
  • A dog harness, leash, and collar to secure them for when you go on walks.
  • Grooming supplies such as a nice shampoo, a brush, a nail clipper, a doggy blow dryer (if their coats get too big, they may need a little assistance to dry them), and a dog toothbrush and toothpaste, trimming shears, and ear cleaning solutions.
  • Treats! Treating your dog when he’s performing well is the best way to instill positive behavior early on.
  • Can’t forget toys! Over time you’ll find out if your dog prefers puzzle toys, heavy-duty chewables, squeakers, tennis balls, or any of the myriad options available at your local pet supplies store.

Bond with Your Cream Golden Retriever

As soon as your puppy enters your home, you want to start bonding with them. This should really be no issue at all! The puppy-parent relationship is a special one; invest in it as much as you can and cherish every moment. This includes making extra time for your puppy on your schedule. Once you are home from your day-to-day activities, it’s a good idea to find a fixed period you will spend with your puppy. Not only will this help strengthen your bond but also help your furry buddy become more comfortable around you, and grow more secure with their daily routine. This could include playtime, a walk, a trip to the park, or a playdate with another neighboring puppy.

If you plan to play games with your puppy, keep them short and simple at the start. Be sure to treat them whenever your puppy performs well and offer words of encouragement. English Cream Golden Retrievers love that sort of encouragement!

This is considered a vital part of their socialization periods when the puppy starts engaging with their surroundings. This includes other pets, pet owners, and visitors. Remember, a well-socialized puppy is a more behaved, relaxed puppy that will be safe around intrusions on their environments such as other dogs, people, or children.

Keep Track of Growth Milestones

As a responsible pet parent, you must closely track your puppy’s growth milestones. Pet parents play a vital role in how fast their puppies achieve these goals.

At first, they will probably not be able to sleep through the night, and this can last until they get to about 4 months of age. They will also soon start teething and develop a habit of chewing or biting on things to relieve the pain. You’ll also find that your puppy starts growing at a rapid rate upon reaching 6 months. Then the growth period may slow down considerably. By the 1 year mark, English Cream Golden Retrievers will have usually reached their full height. But there is still plenty of training and mental growth left to do, even if they seem mature.

Training Your Cream Golden Retriever Puppy

Don’t wait for your puppy to start showing behavioral issues before you start training them. You should train your puppy early on. Having your English Cream Golden Retriever learn to sit, stay and come when you call by their name are basic tasks you should start with. Then you can go on to more complex tasks such as potty-training, fetch, drop, roll over, shake, and all sorts of other creative tricks. If your dog does well, you can slowly start teaching games that use fun toys for enrichment.

Remember to make this as enjoyable for the puppy as can be. They should associate it with fun and not something they dislike. Just give them loads of love, plenty of treats, and kind words of encouragement!


Planning for a puppy is a big undertaking! There are a lot of things to consider. If you think you’re ready to bring home an English Cream Golden Retriever puppy, we hope you’ll consider Majestic Manor Goldens!

Majestic Manor Goldens is a family-run, premiere breeder of English Cream Golden Retrievers. We proudly raise healthy, great-tempered dogs for years of love, licks, and loyalty. If you are looking for a professional, reputable, pet-first English Cream Golden Retriever breeder, you’re in the right place. Contact us today to learn more and get started!

What to Consider When Crate Training Your English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy

Crate training is a process of teaching your English Cream Golden Retriever puppy to feel comfortable and safe in a crate. It usually takes a few days or weeks of gradual introduction and positive reinforcement to crate-train your dog successfully.

There are many benefits to crate-training your dog. Crates provide a safe and secure space for your dog to stay while you are away from home. They can also be used to help manage your puppy’s behavior, such as keeping them from getting into the trash or on the couch.

Crate training is not right for every dog, so it’s important to consider whether or not it is a good fit for your dog before starting the process. For example, dogs with severe separation anxiety or rescued dogs that have been abused in the past with crates are not likely to appreciate their crates. If you decide to crate train your dog, you should keep a few things in mind to make the process go smoothly.

In today’s article, let’s explore what you should know about crate training English Cream Golden Retrievers. Here’s what you need to know:

The Process

  1. Choose the Right Size Crate

Your dog should be able to stand up and turn around comfortably in the crate. If you have a puppy, you can get a crate that will grow with them by getting a larger size and adding a divider to make the space smaller.

You can make the crate homier by adding a crate mat or bedding, along with some of your puppy’s favorite toys. Keep in mind that younger dogs have higher energy and if they have not yet been trained not to destroy things, anything that goes in the crate is at the mercy of their playful needs!

  1. Put the Crate in a Quiet, Safe Place

You want your dog to feel like the crate is a safe place to be. Choose a spot in your home where there is not much foot traffic, and your dog can feel relaxed. The crate will become your dog’s space that they can call their own. Like humans, sometimes dogs need a little space or some peace and quiet on their own!

When they are truly comfortable with their crate, it is not uncommon to find them going in there of their own accord because it’s a place that they feel is truly theirs. For this reason, it’s also important to not invade your dog’s crate. That’s their space, and barring any emergencies, it should stay theirs.

  1. Introduce Your Dog to the Crate Gradually

Start by putting their food or a favorite toy in the crate and letting them explore it on their own. Once they seem comfortable, you can try closing the door for a short period of time while you are still in the room. Increase the time the door is closed as your dog gets more comfortable.

  1. Never Use the Crate as a Punishment

Your dog should always associate the crate with positive things. If they have an accident in the house, do not put them in the crate as a punishment. This will only make them fear the crate and make crate training more difficult.

You can encourage your dog to enter the crate through positive words of praise or through training treats. With time and consistency, your English Cream Golden Retriever puppy will learn to appreciate their crate and many will use it as a time for a nice little nap, especially after a long walk!

  1. Be Consistent

Once you start crate training, it is important to be consistent. If you only use the crate sometimes, your dog will never learn to stay in there on their own. If you intend to use the crate as a place for your puppy to sleep through the night, then expect for the first few nights to be challenging. Your puppy may whimper, whine, bark, or yelp – this is just because they miss you, not because they are in pain!

It’s important to stick to the training. Praise your puppy for a night well spent in the crate and make sure they enjoy their time during the day with you with play time, walks, training, and building that bond between you two.


The key to crate training is to make the experience positive and rewarding for your dog. Start by introducing your dog to the crate gradually. Place their food or a favorite toy inside the crate and let them explore it at their own pace. Once they are comfortable going in and out of the crate, you can begin closing the door for short periods of time.

Crate training an English cream golden retriever can be a great way to keep your dog safe and secure when you cannot supervise them. It can also be a helpful tool for potty training and preventing destructive behavior.

Majestic Manor Goldens is a family-run, premiere breeder of English Cream Golden Retrievers. We proudly raise healthy, great-tempered dogs for years of love, licks, and loyalty. If you are looking for an English retriever breeder, you’re in the right place. Contact us today to learn more and get started!