Chew on This: Remedies for Chewing Dogs and Foods to Keep Out of Reach

Chewing is an innate and fundamental dog behavior, serving both practical and psychological functions.

On the practical side, it assists in maintaining oral health, aids in the teething process for puppies, and provides mental stimulation. Understanding why dogs chew is critical to managing their behavior and ensuring a healthy relationship between pet and owner.

Excessive chewing often signals unmet needs or underlying issues, such as anxiety, boredom, or nutritional deficiencies.

As responsible pet owners, a key aspect of managing this natural instinct is to provide safe and suitable outlets for chewing. This could include dog-friendly chew toys, chews, or interactive toys that positively stimulate their mental and physical energy.

It’s crucial to remember that a satisfied dog, with its chewing needs met, is often a happier, healthier dog overall. Let’s take a look at some remedies for chewing dogs and foods to keep out of reach.

Homemade Remedies for Chewing Dogs

Creating homemade remedies to deter dogs from chewing inappropriate items can be a cost-effective and safe solution.

Frozen Carrot Sticks

Frozen carrot sticks serve as a great homemade remedy for chewing dogs. Rich in vitamins and fiber, they provide a healthy snack option and an excellent tool for dental health. The hard texture of frozen carrots can effectively scrape off plaque on dogs’ teeth, acting similarly to a natural toothbrush and promoting good oral hygiene.

However, it’s important to ensure portion control when providing your dog with carrot sticks. While they are generally safe, excessive consumption can lead to an upset stomach. Moreover, carrots contain sugar, so overfeeding can potentially contribute to weight gain.

DIY Frozen Banana Bites

When fed in moderation, bananas can offer some nutritional benefits for dogs. Rich in potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, these fruits can support heart and kidney health, boost the immune system, and promote skin and coat health. The high fiber content in bananas can also aid in digestion and help prevent gastrointestinal problems.

Always remember to remove the peel before offering a banana to your dog, as it can be tough for them to digest.

Peanut Butter-Filled Toys

Another homemade remedy to keep dogs from chewing unwanted items is filling their favorite toys with peanut butter.

Peanut butter offers a delicious and irresistible treat for dogs, and the texture can also help massage and clean their teeth while they chew on their toys.

Make sure to opt for natural, unsalted peanut butter without added sugars or xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.

Recommended Commercial Products

Aside from homemade remedies, various commercial products are available to help manage excessive chewing behavior in dogs. These include:

Bitter Apple Spray

Bitter apple spray is a popular remedy for preventing dogs from chewing on furniture, wires, or other household items. This spray contains a bitter taste that most dogs find unappealing, causing them to avoid the sprayed object. It’s important to note that while this product is generally safe for dogs, it may not be effective for all pets.

Interactive Puzzle Toys

Interactive puzzle toys are an excellent way to keep your dog mentally stimulated and prevent boredom-induced chewing. These toys typically require your dog to use problem-solving skills to access a treat hidden inside, providing physical and mental exercise. They can help redirect your dog’s chewing behavior onto a more appropriate outlet while promoting cognitive development.

Edible Dental Chews

Edible dental chews are a popular choice to manage a dog’s chewing behavior and promote oral health. These delicious treats reduce plaque and tartar buildup, freshen breath, and support healthy gums.

Stick to vet-approved brands and options to suit different needs. While dental chews are beneficial, they should complement regular brushing and veterinary checkups. Consult a veterinarian for suitable options and use them in moderation.

Durable Chew Toys

For dogs who love to chew, investing in durable chew toys can save your furniture and belongings from destruction. They are specially designed to withstand aggressive chewing and can provide a safe outlet for your dog’s natural instinct. Choose high-quality, vet-approved options that are appropriate for your dog’s breed and size.

Foods to Keep Out of Reach

While homemade remedies can be a great solution for managing chewing behavior, it’s also important to keep certain foods out of your dog’s reach.

Some common household items that are toxic to dogs and should be avoided include chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, and macadamia nuts. These foods can cause serious health problems, ranging from gastrointestinal distress to organ failure and even death.


Chocolate is a well-known hazard for dogs due to a toxic component called theobromine. Dogs cannot metabolize theobromine as efficiently as humans, leading to toxic accumulation in their system.

The darker the chocolate, the higher the concentration of theobromine, making it more dangerous. Ingesting chocolate can lead to various health issues in dogs, ranging from mild to severe.

Symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, seizures, and in severe cases, it can even be fatal. If you suspect your dog has ingested chocolate, it’s crucial to contact a veterinarian immediately. Always store chocolate in safe, unreachable places and educate everyone in the household about the dangers of feeding chocolate to dogs.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins are notably toxic to dogs, with the potential to cause acute and potentially irreversible kidney damage. Grapes contain tartaric acid, and dogs are unable to process it.

The initial symptoms of grape or raisin toxicity in dogs may appear within a few hours of ingestion and include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and lethargy. As the condition progresses, dogs may exhibit signs of dehydration, increased thirst and urination, or decreased urination in advanced cases. The progression of these symptoms may lead to kidney failure, which can be life-threatening.

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic are among the foods that should be kept away from dogs due to their toxic nature. These foods, belonging to the Allium family, contain organosulfides, compounds that can cause damage to a dog’s red blood cells, leading to a condition known as hemolytic anemia.

This condition can cause a range of symptoms, such as lethargy, weakness, discolored urine, and an increased heart rate.

It’s important to note that cooking doesn’t reduce the toxicity of these foods, so whether raw, cooked, or powdered, onions and garlic should be kept out of your dog’s diet. If you suspect your pet has consumed either of these substances, immediate veterinary care is essential.

Training and Behavioral Considerations

Training and socialization play crucial roles in managing a dog’s chewing behavior. Proper training, which includes teaching your dog what items are acceptable to chew, can significantly decrease unwanted chewing. This might involve redirecting their attention to suitable chew toys whenever they are interested in inappropriate items.

Socializing your dog with other animals and various environments can also help reduce excessive chewing. Socialization can help alleviate anxiety and boredom, two common triggers of inappropriate chewing. A well-socialized dog is typically more balanced and less likely to engage in destructive habits such as excessive chewing.

Remember, patience is key when training and socializing your dog. Positive reinforcement works best, so be sure to reward your dog when they chew on appropriate items. Consistency in training, combined with various suitable chew toys, can greatly improve your dog’s behavior over time, reducing the chances of them resorting to destructive chewing.

Finding the Right Solution

It’s important to remember that every dog is unique, and what may work for one pet may not be as effective for another. Be patient when trying different solutions and consult a veterinarian or professional trainer if necessary.

With proper care, training, and the right tools, you can successfully manage your dog’s chewing behavior and provide them with a safe outlet for their

Unleashing Joy: The Best Ways to Socialize Your Dog

Socializing your dog is a crucial aspect of their overall well-being and development. It involves exposing them to various experiences, environments, individuals, and other animals to help them become more adaptable and confident. A well-socialized dog is not just happier and more playful; they’re also less likely to exhibit fearful or aggressive behavior.

Understanding the multiple benefits of socialization can serve as a motivation for pet owners. A dog that’s well-socialized is well-adjusted, easier to train, less anxious, and generally healthier. They’re also more comfortable in different situations, whether it’s a bustling dog park, a busy street, or a house full of guests.

Therefore, setting your pet on the path of proper socialization will enhance their life quality and tighten the bond between you and your furry friend. This journey, though challenging at times, promises to be a rewarding experience.

Let’s delve into how we can make this happen.

Understanding Your Dog’s Needs

To effectively socialize your dog, it is paramount to understand their unique personality and temperament. Just like human children, every dog is different, and what works for one might not work for another. Dogs, like us, have their quirks, fears, and preferences, all of which shape how they interact with the world around them.

Understanding your dog’s unique disposition allows you to identify signs of anxiety or fear during socialization.

These signs might manifest as noticeable changes in behavior, such as excessive barking, aggressive posturing, or withdrawal.

Recognizing these signs early will help you tailor your approach to your dog’s individual needs.

As we do with children, we must respect our dogs’ comfort levels and boundaries while gently pushing them to explore new experiences.

Adapting the socialization process to your pet’s temperament will make the experience more enjoyable for them and result in a more confident, happy, and well-adjusted dog.

The Importance of Early Puppy Socialization

The process of socialization in puppies is a foundational aspect of their development, much akin to early childhood education in humans. A key window for socialization extends from about three weeks to three months of age.

During this period, puppies are especially receptive to learning and forming positive associations with novel experiences, which can influence their behavior throughout their lives.

Exposing your puppy to a variety of situations early on is beneficial. For instance, you might take them to a busy park where they can watch children play, hear the rustle of trees, and smell the scent of flowers and other dogs.

Regular car rides can also help them get used to motion and traveling. Exposing your puppy to various sounds like the vacuum cleaner, doorbells, or television can acclimate them to common household noises at home.

Equally important is ensuring your puppy has positive experiences with people and other dogs during this critical socialization window. Meeting and playing with dogs of varying ages, sizes, and breeds can help foster social skills and ensure they are comfortable around other dogs as they grow.

However, remember to keep these interactions supervised to prevent scaring or overwhelming your pup.

When it comes to socializing with people, puppies should meet people of different ages, sizes, and ethnic backgrounds. They should also get used to people wearing different types of clothing, such as hats, glasses, or uniforms.

Allowing your puppy to have these experiences encourages them to view humans positively, thereby preventing fear or aggression later.

In all these endeavors, ensuring your puppy associates new experiences with positive emotions is vital. Use plenty of treats and praise to reward your puppy for calm and curious behavior in new situations. A positive, patient, and consistent approach to early socialization will help your puppy grow into a confident, adaptable, and well-adjusted adult dog.

Components of Puppy Socialization Training

There are different methods of socializing your puppy; the most effective approach will depend on your dog’s needs. Some common methods include:

Positive Reinforcement Training

Positive Reinforcement Training is centered around rewarding your puppy for good behavior and encouraging the dog to repeat that behavior. Rewards can come in various forms, such as treats, toys, and praise.

Treats are a widely used reward during training, especially during the early stages of socialization. The prospect of a tasty treat can motivate your puppy to exhibit desirable behavior. Choosing small, easily chewable treats that won’t fill your pup up too quickly is essential.

Toys can also be used as an effective reward, particularly for highly play-motivated dogs. Whether it’s a squeaky toy, a tennis ball, or a tug rope, find out what type of toy your pup enjoys the most and use it to reinforce positive behavior.

Finally, praise is a powerful tool in positive reinforcement training. Verbal affirmations like ‘good dog’ or ‘well done’ and affectionate petting can make your puppy feel loved and appreciated.

Doggy Playdates and Group Classes

Organizing playdates with other well-behaved dogs is another excellent approach to socializing your puppy. These encounters allow your puppy to learn acceptable dog-to-dog behaviors and enhance their communication skills. Remember to keep these playdates small and manageable at first. Large groups of dogs can overwhelm a puppy, potentially leading to fear or aggression in the future.

Additionally, group classes can help socialization and teach basic obedience skills. In structured environments, your puppy will interact with other dogs under professional supervision, promoting safe and positive interactions. They will also learn essential commands for good behavior and safety.

During playdates or group sessions, avoid loud noises and distractions. Supervise all interactions to prevent aggression or bullying. Prioritize your puppy’s well-being and end the session if they appear anxious or fearful.

Combining playdates, group classes, and a controlled environment can help your puppy become a confident, well-adjusted, and sociable adult dog.

Exposure to Various Environments

Environmental exposure includes taking them to different settings like parks, busy streets, and even vet offices. Begin with less crowded and quieter places, gradually introducing them to busier, more vibrant areas. This methodical approach can prevent overwhelming your puppy and help them adapt more effectively to diverse environments.

Gradually expose your puppy to different environments, from quiet parks to busier areas. Ensure their safety and provide positive reinforcement to associate these experiences with positivity.

Visits to the vet’s office can also be included in your puppy’s socialization process. Regular, non-medical visits to the vet can help your puppy get used to the smells, sounds, and experiences of a vet’s office without associating it solely with unpleasant procedures.

Acclimatizing your puppy to common noises is key to their socialization. Start by introducing household noises like the doorbell or vacuum cleaner at a low volume, rewarding calm behavior, and gradually increasing the volume over time. This desensitization practice helps reduce anxiety and fear responses to these sounds.

Preparing for the Unexpected: Encounters with Other Animals and More

One of the key aspects of socialization involves preparing your puppy for unexpected encounters, such as coming across other animals, bikers, and skaters, among others.

Encountering other animals, especially of different species like cats or squirrels, can be a novel experience for your puppy.

Start with controlled introductions, if possible, rewarding calm behavior, and gradually increase the duration and intensity of these encounters.

Regarding bikers and skaters, these fast-moving objects can startle or intrigue your puppy. Use a leash during these encounters to ensure your dog’s safety and teach your puppy to sit and stay calm as they pass by. Use treats and praise to reward this calm behavior, reinforcing that there’s no threat.

Building Resilience and Adaptability

Building resilience and adaptability in your puppy is crucial for their growth into a well-adjusted adult dog. Introduce variability in your puppy’s routine to help them adapt to changes. This could include subtle changes like altering the route of your daily walks or switching out toys.

Resilience can be fostered through gradual exposure to mildly challenging situations, rewarding your puppy’s calm and positive responses, and providing comfort and reassurance during stressful moments. Over time, your puppy will learn that change is normal and become more adaptable and resilient.

Remember, socialization is a gradual and ongoing process that should be tailored to your puppy’s pace. While exposing them to various situations is important, it’s equally crucial to ensure that these experiences are positive and not overwhelming. This balanced approach will help your puppy develop into a confident and sociable dog.

Better Puppy Socialization with Patience and Consistency

Puppy socialization can seem daunting, but you can help your puppy become a well-rounded and socially adept canine with patience and consistency. Remember to take things slow, prioritize your puppy’s comfort and safety, and celebrate their progress along the way.

Proper socialization is key for your puppy to thrive in any environment. Embark on this journey with your furry friend and witness their growth into a happy, social, and well-behaved dog.

Continued socialization is crucial for your dog’s lifelong development. Regular exposure to new environments, people, and animals helps maintain their social skills and adaptability. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if your puppy displays signs of fear or aggression, as early intervention can prevent these behaviors from escalating.

Remember, each puppy is unique and may have different needs when it comes to socialization. So be patient and consistent, and most importantly, have fun with your furry companion as you navigate the world together.

Understanding the Importance of Health Guarantees for Golden Retriever Puppies

If you’re considering adding a Golden Retriever puppy to your family, you’re likely already aware of the many wonderful traits these beautiful dogs possess. Known for their friendly and loyal personalities, as well as their high intelligence, Golden Retrievers make excellent pets and devoted companions. And while there’s plenty to love about these dogs, it’s essential to ensure that the puppy you bring home is healthy and comes from a reputable breeder who can guarantee their well-being. This is where health guarantees come into play.

A health guarantee is essentially a breed-specific warranty provided by the breeder, assuring the new owner that the puppy they purchase is in good health and free from genetic defects or other inherited health issues. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of health guarantees for Golden Retriever puppies and discuss how they can provide peace of mind for both you and your new furry friend.

Why Health Guarantees Are Important for Golden Retriever Puppies

1. Ensuring Your Puppy's Long-Term Health

The main reason for health guarantees is to ensure that you’re bringing home a healthy puppy who is free from genetic defects or predisposed health issues. Breeding practices play a significant role in determining the likelihood of certain health conditions in Golden Retrievers, and working with a breeder who offers health guarantees shows their commitment to maintaining high breeding standards.

By selecting a Golden Retriever with a health guarantee, you’re not just ensuring your own happiness but also contributing to the overall health of the breed. When breeders make a commitment to health guarantees, they are less likely to use dogs with known defects or issues for breeding purposes, thus improving the genetic pool for future generations of Golden Retrievers.

2. Protecting Your Financial Investment

Golden Retriever puppies require a significant financial investment. The cost of purchasing a well-bred puppy from a reputable breeder can be relatively high. Add to that the price of veterinarian visits, necessary vaccinations, supplies, food, grooming—and it’s easy to see how the financial commitment can pile up.

A health guarantee for your Golden Retriever puppy is essentially a form of insurance, protecting you from unexpected or unforeseen medical costs. While it’s true that a health guarantee can’t guarantee that your puppy will never face health issues, it does offer you some financial protection in case the dog you’ve invested so much in falls ill due to a genetic or hereditary disorder.

What to Look for in a Health Guarantee

1. Thorough Genetic and Health Testing

A comprehensive health guarantee begins with the breeder taking various measures to ensure the health of their breeding stock. This includes conducting genetic and health testing for known breed-specific issues and general health concerns. These tests should be established by professional veterinary associations and breeding clubs specific to Golden Retrievers.

Some of the key health tests that should be performed on the breeding dogs include screenings for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, heart issues, and eye conditions. By utilizing these tests, breeders can make more informed decisions when selecting breeding pairs, ensuring that they are minimizing the risk of passing on any hereditary health issues to their puppies.

2. Clear Terms and Conditions

When examining a health guarantee, reading through and understanding the terms and conditions is essential. The health guarantee should outline a clear course of action for any health issues that may arise due to genetic or hereditary factors. This may include a partial refund, replacement puppy, or financial assistance for medical costs associated with the condition.

3. Duration of the Health Guarantee

The duration of the health guarantee is an important factor to consider. It should cover a reasonable period of time, during which any hereditary health issues are likely to become evident. Most reputable breeders offer guarantees that cover at least two years, but some may even extend beyond that to account for late-onset conditions. Ensure that you understand the timeframe during which the guarantee is valid, as this will help you identify any health issues as early as possible and take advantage of the guarantee if necessary.

4. Adherence to Breeding Guidelines and Standards

A health guarantee is only as good as the breeder’s commitment to following established breeding guidelines and standards for Golden Retrievers. Research the breeder’s reputation, their involvement in breed clubs or organizations, and their dedication to ethical breeding practices. A breeder who adheres to these guidelines and is genuinely committed to the health and well-being of their dogs will be the most likely to honor their health guarantee and work with you to address any issues should they arise.

How Reputable Breeders Stand Behind Their Health Guarantees

1. Transparency and Open Communication

A reputable breeder is transparent about the health of their dogs and should be willing to discuss in detail the measures they take to ensure the health of their puppies. This includes sharing results of the aforementioned health tests on the breeding dogs, as well as any additional actions they take to minimize health risks in their breeding program. Honest communication between you and the breeder is essential to build trust and ensure that you feel confident in the health and history of the puppy you are bringing home.

2. Follow-Up Care and Support

Standing behind a health guarantee isn’t just about offering financial protection or replacements for puppies with hereditary conditions; it’s also about providing ongoing care and support for their dogs. Reputable breeders will be genuinely interested in the well-being of the puppies they sell and should be available to offer advice and guidance on health-related issues throughout your dog’s life. Furthermore, they will likely appreciate receiving updates on your puppy’s health and development, as this will allow them to evaluate the effectiveness of their breeding program and make adjustments as needed.

3. Ongoing Education and Improvement

A breeder who is committed to the health of their Golden Retrievers will continually strive to improve their breeding practices and stay informed about any new developments in health-related research. By remaining current on health issues within the breed, reputable breeders can make the necessary adjustments to their breeding program to ensure that future generations of puppies are as healthy as possible. Additionally, a knowledgeable breeder can pass along valuable information to puppy buyers, helping them take proactive steps to maintain the health of their dogs.

4. Adherence to Breeding Guidelines and Standards

A health guarantee is only as good as the breeder’s commitment to following established breeding guidelines and standards for Golden Retrievers. Research the breeder’s reputation, their involvement in breed clubs or organizations, and their dedication to ethical breeding practices. A breeder who adheres to these guidelines and is genuinely committed to the health and well-being of their dogs will be the most likely to honor their health guarantee and work with you to address any issues should they arise.

Questions to Ask Your Breeder About Health Guarantees

1. What specific health tests do you perform on your breeding dogs?

Ensure that the breeder is conducting the necessary, breed-appropriate health tests on their dogs, and be prepared to ask for documentation of these tests.

2. What conditions are covered by your health guarantee?

It’s essential to understand which specific conditions the guarantee covers. This should be clearly outlined in the terms and conditions of the guarantee.

3. How long does your health guarantee last?

Find out the duration of the guarantee, as this will give you a timeframe during which any hereditary issues should surface.

4. What steps will you take if a health issue covered by the guarantee arises?

Understanding how the breeder plans to rectify the situation will provide peace of mind, knowing that they will stand behind their guarantee and work with you to address the issue.

The Majestic Manor Goldens Commitment to Health Guarantees

At Majestic Manor Goldens, our commitment to the health and well-being of our English Cream Golden Retrievers goes beyond simply offering a health guarantee. We rigorously test our breeding dogs for health issues and adhere to strict breeding standards to minimize the risk of hereditary conditions in our puppies. Our puppies come with a comprehensive health guarantee, covering a period of two years, ensuring your peace of mind when welcoming a new family member into your home.

We believe in the importance of standing behind our health guarantees and fostering open communication with our puppy buyers. If you choose a Majestic Manor Golden, you can expect our ongoing support and expertise as you care for your new furry companion. By investing in a healthy, well-bred Golden Retriever puppy from Majestic Manor Goldens, you can take comfort in knowing your new pup has a solid foundation for a lifetime of love, licks, and loyalty.


In conclusion, when selecting your Golden Retriever puppy, understanding the importance of health guarantees is essential to ensuring you bring home a healthy and happy family member. A comprehensive health guarantee not only reflects the commitment of the breeder to ethical breeding practices and high breeding standards but also provides you with peace of mind and protection for your investment.

Ready to welcome a healthy, loving, and well-bred Golden Retriever puppy into your family? As one of the most trusted English Cream Retriever breeders, we employ thorough genetic and health testing, as well as adherence to strict breeding guidelines. Explore our available puppies at Majestic Manor Goldens today and discover how our health guarantee can provide peace of mind and the foundation for a long-lasting bond with your new canine friend. Click here to view our available puppies and start your journey with a Majestic Manor Golden today!

Exploring the Pros and Cons of English Cream Golden Retriever Ownership

Majestic Manor is a family-run, premiere breeder of English Cream Golden Retrievers, proud to raise healthy, well-tempered dogs that bring joy and companionship to loving homes. As you consider adding an English Cream Golden Retriever to your family, it’s crucial to explore both the positives and potential challenges associated with owning this beautiful and popular breed.

This comprehensive article will discuss the pros and cons of owning an English Cream Golden Retriever, shedding light on their temperament, health, grooming needs, and lifestyle requirements. By delving into these aspects, this guide aims to provide a balanced perspective so that you can make an informed decision about whether the English Cream Golden Retriever is the ideal fit for your family and lifestyle.

Let’s dive deep into the world of English Cream Golden Retrievers to help you decide if this friendly, intelligent, and stunning breed is the perfect match for you.

The Pros and Cons of Owning an English Cream Golden Retriever

1. Pros: Temperament and Personality

One of the most significant advantages of owning an English Cream Golden Retriever is their temperament. English Cream Golden Retrievers are renowned for their friendly, affectionate nature, making them terrific family pets. Some notable traits of their exceptional personality include:

Intelligent and Trainable

Golden Retrievers rank as the 4th most intelligent dog breed, according to Dr. Stanley Coren’s book “The Intelligence of Dogs”. Their keen intelligence makes them highly trainable and able to learn a wide range of commands and tricks.

Gentle with Children

English Cream Golden Retrievers are exceptionally gentle and patient with children, making them a beloved family pet and playmate.

Good with Other Animals

Their amiable nature allows them to get along well with other animals, including cats and other dog breeds.


English Cream Golden Retrievers thrive on human interaction and companionship, making them excellent at socializing with people of all ages.

2. Pros: Versatility and Adaptability

Another asset of English Cream Golden Retrievers lies in their versatility and adaptability, making them suitable for various activities and roles:

Service and Therapy Dogs

Their intelligence, calm temperament, and eagerness to please make Golden Retrievers well-suited for roles such as service and therapy dogs.

Sporting and Hunting

Originally bred as gun dogs, they have a strong retrieving instinct and remain popular for hunting and other outdoor sports.


The breed excels in dog sports, such as obedience and agility trials, showcasing their athletic and trainable nature.

3. Cons: Health Issues

Despite the numerous positives of owning an English Cream Golden Retriever, the breed is not without its potential health issues:

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia

Golden Retrievers are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia, which can lead to arthritis and mobility problems in later years.

Canine Cancer

Golden Retrievers have a higher than average risk for developing certain types of cancer, including hemangiosarcoma and osteosarcoma.

Genetic Eye Disorders

The breed may also suffer from genetic eye conditions such as cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy.

It’s essential to choose a reputable breeder like Majestic Manor that performs health screenings and follows responsible breeding practices to minimize the risks of these genetic health issues.

4. Cons: Grooming and Shedding

English Cream Golden Retrievers require regular grooming and produce a fair amount of shedding, which may pose challenges for some:


This breed sheds moderately throughout the year, with heavier shedding during seasonal changes. Frequent vacuuming and lint rollers may become a way of life for owners.

Regular Grooming

Golden Retrievers require regular brushing to maintain their beautiful coat and reduce shedding. Professional grooming appointments may be necessary every couple of months to manage coat length and prevent matting.

5. Pros: Exercise and Outdoor Activities

For active individuals and families, the breed’s enthusiasm for exercise and outdoor activities counts as a benefit:


English Cream Golden Retrievers are naturally energetic and require daily exercise to maintain their physical and mental well-being.

Love Water

Most love to swim, making them ideal companions for water-based activities such as swimming, fetching toys in water, or even dock diving.

Hiking and Camping

As strong, athletic dogs, they enjoy outdoor adventures with their families, including hiking and camping trips.

6. Cons: Separation Anxiety and Need for Companionship

Given their social nature, English Cream Golden Retrievers require significant human interaction to thrive:

Separation Anxiety

Prolonged isolation can lead to separation anxiety and destructive behaviors.

Time Commitment

Prospective owners should be prepared to invest time in their dog’s training, socialization, and daily exercise to maintain happy and well-adjusted pets.


The English Cream Golden Retriever presents many advantages for prospective owners who value their friendly, intelligent, and versatile nature. On the other hand, potential owners need to consider the breed’s grooming needs, common health issues, shedding, and need for companionship when deciding if the breed is the right fit for their family. By carefully considering the pros and cons, you can make an educated decision on whether or not an English Cream Golden Retriever is the perfect companion for you and your family.

As you contemplate the many pros and cons of owning an English Cream Golden Retriever, remember that adopting this loving and loyal breed ultimately brings immense joy and companionship to your life. While the decision requires careful consideration of specifics like grooming, health concerns, and shedding, the rewards of having a constant, devoted friend are often immeasurable.

At Majestic Manor, we are dedicated to providing exceptional English Cream Golden Retrievers, both in health and temperament. As a family-run, premiere breeder, we strive to uphold responsible breeding practices to ensure our puppies are ready for years of love, licks, and loyalty. if you’re ready to embark on the journey of bringing the perfect English Cream Golden Retriever into your family, or simply to learn more about our passion for this beautiful and popular breed, contact us today to get started!

Questions You Need to Ask for Go Home Day

Can you believe it? Go Home Day is almost here!

The long wait is over, and you are almost ready to bring home your new bundle of cuddly joy from Majestic Manor Godlens.

But before you do, it’s important to ensure you have everything in place for a smooth transition. If you’re wondering what you should feed your new puppy or when you should book your first trip to the groomer, this guide is for you.

Preparation and knowledge are the backbone of a successful transition when bringing your new puppy home. It’s essential to understand that this is a significant change for your pup.

From leaving their mother and siblings to adjusting to a new environment, it can be quite overwhelming for them. With the right preparation, you can make this transition smoother and more comforting, setting the stage for a healthy, happy, and well-adjusted puppy.

Understanding your puppy’s dietary needs, scheduling veterinary appointments, and introducing them to grooming processes are all critical aspects of their care. Investing effort, time, and careful planning now will result in a well-behaved and healthy dog that brings joy to your home.

We’ve collected some of our top questions from new puppy parents and answered them here to help you start your journey with your bestie.

Let’s dive in!

What Should I Feed My Puppy?

When it comes to selecting the right food for your furry friend, conducting thorough research goes beyond a mere Google search. It entails delving deeper into the subject, ensuring that you make an informed decision that meets your dog’s specific dietary needs.

And with so many options on the market, finding the perfect food may feel like a daunting challenge. However, seeking advice from your veterinarian is a solid first step in the right direction.

Selecting a trustworthy food brand is of utmost importance. But how can you determine their reliability? A reputable brand is one that conducts thorough research on its ingredients and carries out feeding trials.

When searching for pet food brands, it is recommended to look for those that conduct trials through AAFCO (The Association of American Feed Control). The presence of an AAFCO statement on the packaging indicates that the food is formulated to meet nutritional requirements without any excesses or deficiencies. AAFCO also provides valuable resources on understanding the marketing tactics used on food packaging and selecting the best nutritionally appropriate option for your dog.

When Should I Switch from Puppy Food?

It is best to switch your puppy to its adult formula when it has reached twelve months of age.

Throughout the next 9 to 10 months, your pup is going to grow a lot. And while it may be tempting to make the switch (after all, have you seen the size of his paws?!), you should wait.

Puppies have specific dietary needs due to their growing bodies, requiring higher levels of fat and protein. These essential nutrients are found in puppy formula food. Switching to adult food too soon can lead to nutritional deficiencies that may hinder your pup’s growth and development.

Moreover, inadequate nutrition during this crucial stage may contribute to health issues later in life, such as joint, eye, brain, and bone problems. It is vital to provide the appropriate nutrition to ensure your puppy’s optimal health and well-being.

It’s essential to ensure that your puppy gets all the necessary nutrients to support its growth during this critical stage.

Puppy food is crafted specifically with nutrients, vitamins, and ingredients that aid your puppy in growth! If taken off puppy food too early, it can impede your puppy’s growth and even cause health issues when it’s older in life, such as joint, eye, brain, and bone issues.

When Should I Set up the First Grooming Appointment?

To ensure the well-being of your new pup, it is recommended to schedule their first grooming appointment after their second round of shots, which is typically done around the ages of ten to twelve weeks.

At this stage, their immune system is stronger, providing them with better protection during the grooming process. With these vaccinations, your furry friend will have the proper immunity against several common diseases such as parvovirus, distemper, and hepatitis.

Don’t wait too long to schedule their first appointment!

It is strongly advised to schedule the initial grooming appointment for your puppy before they reach 16 weeks of age. Why? Because the younger the puppy is, the easier it is for them to adapt to this new experience!

What Toys Should I Buy?

With countless toys available in the market, it can be challenging to decide which ones to choose and which ones to avoid.

Any toy has the potential to be ingested, which can lead to serious health issues, including blockages. That’s why it’s crucial that all toys (no matter how harmless they seem) are given under supervision. This not only guarantees safety but also provides peace of mind.

There are a variety of excellent toys available for your beloved furry companion. These options include balls, antlers (which are a safer alternative to rawhides, as they have been shown to pose choking hazards and can be dangerous for dogs), stuffed toys, and mind-stimulating toys like snuffle mats and puzzle toys.

These toys provide both entertainment and mental stimulation, ensuring your furry friend stays happy and engaged.

There are some great options to choose from at Luxury on a Lead online store. All these toys have been hand-selected and hand-tested by our team here at Majestic Manor Goldens and Royal Minidoodles.

In fact, they’re the same toys your pup has been playing with before they get to your home!

Do You Have Any Home Grooming Tips?

Proper hygiene and grooming are essential for your puppy’s health and well-being. Here are some helpful home grooming tips to keep your furry friend looking and feeling their best:

  1. Keep them on a regular grooming schedule – This includes grooming tasks like brushing fur, bathing, and nail trims. Your puppy is already accustomed to these activities when you bring it home. Baths are recommended once a month but can be given more frequently if necessary.
  2. Nail trims are scary but necessary – The “quick” in a dog’s nail is the cuticle that houses blood vessels and nerves. It appears as a pinkish shape on white nails. When trimming, aim to cut about 2 mm away from the quick. For black nails, trim gradually until you see a black circle surrounded by a thin white line.
  3. Keep those chompers clean -Keeping your puppy’s teeth clean is crucial. You can achieve this by brushing their teeth with veterinary-approved toothpaste or giving them hard chews like antlers that help remove plaque.

It’s Time to Welcome Your Puppy Home

As you prepare for Go Home Day with your new puppy, take some time to get your home ready for them. Ensure you have the essentials like food and water bowls, a comfy bed, toys, and a crate if needed.

Remember to puppy-proof your home by removing any potential hazards that could harm your new furry friend. And most importantly, get ready for endless love and joy as you embark on this journey with your new family member! So don’t forget to shower them with love and affection, provide proper nutrition, schedule regular grooming appointments, and give them the best start in their new home!

Happy puppy parenting… Let the adventures begin!

Puppy-Proofing Your Home: Essential Tips for Dog Owners

The anticipation of welcoming a new puppy into your home is unmatched. Dreams of cuddling on the couch, long walks in your local park, and all the adventures you’ll share with your furry friend can excite anyone.

However, it’s important to remember that puppies are cute and cuddly and require attention, care, and training. As a responsible dog owner, puppy-proofing your home is one of the most critical tasks.

Puppies are curious creatures, and their playful nature can often lead them into dangerous situations. It’s essential to create a safe and secure environment for your new companion before they even step paw into their new home.

In this article, we’ll walk you through puppy-proofing your home and offer some tips to make the process easier.

Understanding Your Puppy’s Behavior

Before we dive into the puppy-proofing tips, it’s crucial to understand your puppy’s behavior. Puppies are born with a natural curiosity and desire to explore their surroundings.

They use their mouths and noses (oh, those cute little noses!) to explore and learn about their environment, which means they’ll chew on pretty much anything they can reach.

In truth, they’re a lot like rambunctious toddlers, always on the prowl for mischief and adventure. Therefore, it’s essential to anticipate their behavior and create a safe environment for them to explore.

Assessing Your House for ‘Go Home Day’

Get Down On Their Level

One of the best ways to puppy-proof your home is by getting down on all fours and seeing things from your puppy’s perspective.

This will help you spot any dangers or temptations that might appeal to a curious pup. Next, go through every room, nook, and cranny in your home to ensure it’s safe for your puppy.

Living Areas


Despite being a hub of activity and smells, the kitchen can be fraught with dangers for your little pup. Here are some areas of concern:

  1. Appliances and Heated Surfaces: Puppies are naturally curious, and the warmth emanating from appliances like the dishwasher, stove, or oven can intrigue them. Make sure to keep these appliances closed and inaccessible to prevent any accidents.
  2. Human Food and Beverages: Many common foods and drinks safe for humans can harm dogs. These include chocolate, coffee, certain fruits and vegetables, and artificial sweeteners. Keep these foods out of your puppy’s reach, ideally in locked cabinets or high shelves.
  3. Small Objects and Utensils: Items such as utensils, bottle caps, and straws can pose a choking hazard if your puppy chews on them.
  4. Cleaning Supplies: Many cleaning supplies are toxic if ingested. Always store these products in locked cabinets or outside your puppy’s reach.

Remember, puppy-proofing the kitchen requires constant vigilance, as new hazards can happen unexpectedly. Regularly reassess this area to keep it safe for your furry friend.


The bathroom can be risky for curious puppies and requires special attention when puppy-proofing. Here are some areas of concern:

  1. Toilet: Puppies are naturally curious and may be tempted to drink from the toilet bowl. However, toilet bowl water can contain cleaning chemicals that harm dogs. Always keep the toilet lid closed to prevent this.
  2. Trash Can: Items thrown into the bathroom trash, like razor blades, dental floss, and feminine products, can be dangerous if your puppy decides to rummage through the garbage. Consider getting a trash can with a locking lid or storing it in a closed cabinet.
  3. Medications: Medications can be harmful or even fatal to dogs, even in small doses. Always keep medication bottles closed and stored in a cabinet your puppy can’t access.
  4. Cleaning Supplies: Like the kitchen, many cleaning supplies are toxic if swallowed. Always keep these products locked away or out of your puppy’s reach.
  5. Small Objects: Items like hair ties, cotton swabs, and cosmetics can pose a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockage if ingested. Keep these items stored safely out of your puppy’s reach.
  6. Bathtub and Sink: A puppy can easily fall into a bathtub or sink and become trapped or drown. Keep these areas dry and inaccessible when not in use.

Remember to continuously reassess your bathroom for new potential hazards and ensure it remains a safe space for your puppy to explore.


The bedroom, a place of rest and relaxation, can also pose certain risks to your new puppy. Here are some areas of concern:

  1. Clothing and Shoes: Puppies love to chew, and items such as shoes, socks, or other clothing left on the floor can become tempting chew toys. These can pose a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockage if ingested. Ensure all clothing items are kept out of the puppy’s reach or stored in a closed drawer or closet.
  2. Jewelry and Accessories: Small items like earrings, rings, or hair accessories can be easily swallowed, leading to choking or other health problems. Store these items in closed containers or high shelves where your puppy can’t reach them.
  3. Electrical Cords: Lamps, chargers, or any other electrical cords can be dangerous if your puppy decides to chew on them. Use cord covers or keep lines tucked away when not in use.
  4. Bed: Falling off the bed can lead to injuries for your small puppy. It’s best to keep the bedroom door closed or ensure your puppy is safely on the ground before leaving the room. Consider using a pet ramp or stairs if your dog spends time on your bed.
  5. Medications and Cosmetics: Similar to the bathroom, drugs and cosmetics can harm puppies if ingested. Always keep these items securely stored away.

Regular evaluation of this area is necessary to maintain a safe environment for your puppy. Remember, a safe puppy is a happy puppy!

Household Chemicals and Poisons

Household chemicals and poisons can be found in every room of your house, and keeping these items out of your puppy’s reach is essential. Some common household hazards include:

  1. Cleaning Supplies: Many cleaning supplies contain harsh chemicals that can cause burns or poisoning if ingested by your puppy.
  2. Pesticides and Insecticides: These products can be toxic to your puppy if ingested or absorbed through the skin.
  3. Plants: Some common house plants are toxic to dogs if ingested, including lilies, poinsettias, and tulips. Research which plants are safe for your puppy and avoid keeping poisonous plants in your home.

It’s crucial to store these items in high shelves or locked cabinets, out of reach of your curious puppy. In case of accidental ingestion, contact your veterinarian immediately.

We recommend posting the number for your vet or an emergency animal hospital in a common, easy-to-find area. That way, in the case of an emergency, you can quickly contact a professional for assistance.

Finding a Safe Space for Your Puppy

Giving your new puppy their own designated area for play and rest is essential for their safety and well-being. Here are some tips for creating a safe space:

  1. Choose a Quiet Area: A room with low foot traffic or noise levels is ideal for your puppy’s designated area. This will help them feel safe and relaxed in their own space.
  2. Use Gates and X-pens: Gates and x-pens are great for keeping your puppy in a safe, confined area. Make sure to choose one that is the appropriate size for your puppy and has no sharp edges or gaps.
  3. Provide Comfortable Bedding: Make sure your puppy’s designated space has comfortable bedding, such as a dog bed or blankets. This will encourage them to use their

Puppy-Proofing Furniture and Belongings

While seeming harmless, furniture and knick-knacks can pose specific threats to your puppy. Here are some measures you can take:

  1. Training: Encouraging good behavior from the get-go is essential. Teach your puppy which areas are off-limits and discourage them from chewing on furniture. Reward them with treats and praise for correct behavior to reinforce these habits.
  2. Toys for Mental Stimulation: Provide your puppy with various toys that promote mental stimulation. Puzzle, treat-dispensing, and chew toys can keep your puppy occupied and deter them from gnawing on furniture or other belongings.
  3. Bitter Sprays: These sprays deter your puppy from chewing on furniture. Applied to the surfaces of your furniture, they leave a bitter taste that most dogs find unpleasant.

Outdoor Safety and Planning

Puppy-proofing your home isn’t just limited to the indoors. Outdoor spaces can also pose hazards to your puppy. Here are some measures you can take:

  1. Fencing: Ensure that your yard or outdoor area is secure and has proper fencing to prevent your puppy from wandering off or entering dangerous situations.
  2. Poisonous Plants: Just like indoor plants, it’s crucial to research which plants in your yard may be toxic to dogs. Remove or fence off any dangerous plants to keep your puppy safe.
  3. Pools and Water Features: If you have a pool or other water features, it’s essential to have proper safety measures in place. Consider installing a fence or cover for pools and supervising your puppy around any body of water.
  4. Gardening Tools and Chemicals: Keep all gardening tools and chemicals, such as fertilizers or pesticides, securely stored away from your puppy’s reach.

Always supervise your puppy outdoors, and consider enrolling them in obedience training to teach them proper behavior in outdoor spaces.

What to do if You Have Other Pets

If you have other pets in your home, it’s crucial to introduce them to your new puppy slowly and carefully. Here are some tips:

  1. Separate Spaces: During the initial introduction period, it’s best to keep your puppy and other pets separate until they become comfortable with each other.
  2. Supervise Interactions: When allowing interactions between your puppy and other pets, always supervise them to ensure their safety. If your other pet shows aggression or discomfort, separate them immediately.
  3. Give Equal Attention: Make sure to give all your pets equal attention and love to prevent feelings of jealousy or resentment towards the new puppy.

Additionally, you’ll need to make some crucial decisions on where to place your other pet’s supplies. If you have cats, this means assessing whether the litter box will pose a safety hazard to your puppy and finding a suitable location.

Owning a Puppy Requires a Lifestyle Change

Owning a puppy is an exciting and rewarding experience but comes with specific responsibilities. Puppy-proofing your home is just one of the many changes you’ll have to make in your lifestyle to ensure the safety and well-being of your new furry friend.

It can take some getting used to, and no one does it ideally (we have a few pairs of nibbled tennis shoes to prove it!). But if you know of potential hazards and take the necessary precautions, your puppy can explore their new home safely.

Enjoy this new adventure with your puppy, and cherish every moment! So remember, always keep an eye on your puppy and ensure all potentially harmful items are stored away securely. With proper planning and care, you can create a safe environment for your puppy to grow!

How To Find The Right Vet for Your New Puppy

The anticipation of welcoming a new puppy from Majestic Manor Goldens into your family is a thrilling and heartwarming experience.

As future owners of an elegant and graceful (but sometimes lovably goofy!) English Cream Golden Retriever, the bond with your new family member starts to form even before you bring them home.

Every new pet parent needs to find the right vet who will help guide them through their pup’s critical first year of life, providing crucial medical care and advice along the way.

But with so many veterinarians to choose from, how do you know which one is the best fit for your new puppy? Here are some tips to help you find the perfect vet for your furry friend.

Why You Need the Right Veterinarian

Finding the right veterinarian for your new puppy is an essential step in ensuring their health and well-being.

A good vet is more than just a medical practitioner – a partner in your pet’s health care, providing essential advice, treatment, and support throughout your furry friend’s life.

With their expertise and experience, the right vet can ensure your puppy grows into a healthy, happy adult, and they can also catch any potential health issues early when they’re most treatable.

Just as you would with a doctor for a human family member, you’ll want to choose a vet who not only has the right qualifications but also a good rapport with both you and your pet and a philosophy of care that aligns with your own.

Qualities to Look for in a Vet

There are several essential qualities to consider when looking for the right vet for your new puppy.

Expertise and Experience

Experience in treating Golden Retrievers is a crucial factor when selecting a vet for your new puppy. Golden Retrievers have specific health and behavioral characteristics that a vet experienced in this breed will be familiar with.

For instance, this breed is susceptible to specific health conditions, such as hip dysplasia and certain types of cancer, which an experienced vet can be vigilant about. They’ll also understand the breed’s nutritional needs, exercise requirements, and common behavioral traits.

This breed-specific knowledge can contribute to more accurate diagnoses and effective treatment strategies, ensuring that your Golden Retriever enjoys a healthy, long life.

Compassion and Empathy

Compassion and empathy are two critical qualities that augment the technical competencies of a good vet. A vet’s role isn’t limited to diagnosing and treating animals; they must also understand the profound emotional bond between a pet and their owner.

This bond often mirrors that of a family member, which calls for a vet who exhibits empathy and warmth. A compassionate vet can provide comfort during challenging times, such as when dealing with serious health issues or emergencies, and communicate effectively to help you make informed decisions about your pet’s health.

These qualities not only make for a more pleasant vet visit but also contribute to a trusting and long-lasting relationship between you, your pet, and the veterinary staff.

Assessing a Vet’s Bedside Manner

The bedside manner of a vet is a crucial aspect to examine during a consultation, as it can have a significant impact on your pet’s comfort and peace of mind. Here are some tips on assessing a vet’s bedside manner:

  1. Observe Interaction: Watch how the vet interacts with your pet. Do they exhibit a gentle, calming demeanor? Pay attention to whether they’re patient with your pet, allowing them to become comfortable before beginning the examination.
  2. Communication Techniques: The vet should be able to explain complex medical conditions and treatments in straightforward, easy-to-understand language. Assess whether they’re willing to take the time to answer your questions and address your concerns.
  3. Body Language: Study the vet’s body language. Are they rushed, or do they give you and your pet their undivided attention? A good vet builds a connection with their patients and their owners, making them feel valued and understood.

By focusing on these areas during your initial consultation, you can get a feel for a vet’s bedside manner and determine if they’re the right fit for your pet.

Accessibility and Location

In real estate, they say location is everything…

And the same holds for choosing a veterinarian.

The convenience of having a vet nearby is an essential factor that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Immediate proximity to your vet clinic facilitates more effortless and frequent visits, which can be especially beneficial during your puppy’s first year when regular check-ups and immunizations are critical.

Additionally, in an emergency, a nearby vet can provide quick and timely medical intervention, potentially making a significant difference in your pet’s health outcome.

However, location shouldn’t compromise the quality of care. While a nearby vet provides convenience, ensure they also tick the boxes in terms of expertise, compassion, and good bedside manner.

Services Offered

The array of services offered by a veterinarian clinic plays a significant role in the comprehensive care of your pet. Here are some of the vital services that your veterinarian should provide:

  1. Vaccinations: Regular immunizations are critical in preventing various diseases that can affect your pet’s health. A good vet will have a thorough vaccination schedule and ensure your pet gets the necessary shots at the right time.
  2. Preventive Care: This includes regular check-ups, weight management, nutritional counseling, and parasite prevention to maintain the overall health of your pet.
  3. Surgical Procedures: From routine neutering or spaying to more complex surgeries, the vet clinic must have the necessary facilities and expertise to perform these procedures.
  4. Dental Care: Oral health is an often overlooked aspect of pet care. Your vet should provide dental check-ups, cleaning, and treatments as part of their regular services.
  5. Emergency Services: It’s crucial that the vet clinic offers emergency services or at least has a reliable referral system in place for urgent care.
  6. Diagnostic and Laboratory Services: These services allow for accurate diagnosis and treatment of various illnesses and conditions.
  7. Pain Management: Effective pain management strategies are essential for pets recovering from surgery or chronic conditions.

If your prospective vet only offers a limited range of services, it’s worth considering finding another clinic that can provide comprehensive care for your pet. Having to seek specialized care from multiple sources can be inconvenient and costly.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Recommendations and Referrals

The most reliable way to find a good vet is through word of mouth. Ask friends, family members, and other pet owners for recommendations or referrals to trusted veterinarians in your area. You can also consult online review platforms like Yelp or Google Reviews to understand how others have experienced a particular veterinary clinic.

In addition, we have a very active Facebook Group for our extended family of Majestic Manor Golden owners. You may find someone in your area who can make a recommendation (and you might even make a friend along the way!).

Finding the Right Vet Comes Down to You

Choosing the right vet for your Majestic Manor English Cream Golden Retriever involves a careful balance of comfort and trust. You need to feel confident that your vet has the knowledge and expertise to provide the best possible care for your furry family member while also being able to build a strong connection with you and your pet.

Consider all the factors discussed in this guide, and trust your instincts when deciding. Remember, finding the right vet is an essential step in ensuring your pet’s health and happiness for years to come. So, don’t be afraid to take your time and do thorough research to find the perfect fit for you and your pet. Happy vet hunting!

Why Stainless Steel Bowls Are the Top Choice for Your Dog’s Food

If you’ve never thought much about what your dog’s food bowl is made of, you’re not alone. Many pet owners simply grab the first bowl they see at the store without considering the material it’s made from.

We know it seems excessive to put this much thought into something as simple as a food bowl but hear us out. However, choosing a suitable vessel is almost as important as choosing their food.

If you were shopping for new dinnerware for your human family, would you grab the first plates, cups, or utensils you saw at the store? Probably not. You would likely consider the materials and their properties before making a purchase.

The same should be true for your dog’s bowl. After all, they’re a part of your family (albeit a cuter, cuddlier, slightly goofier part).

Today, we delve into why stainless steel bowls are considered the top choice for your dog’s food. This simple choice can pave the way for a happy, healthy life for your little one.

The Health Benefits of Stainless Steel Bowls

Believe it or not, stainless steel bowls can actually improve and protect your dog’s health.

This often comes as a surprise to many pet owners, but the material of their food bowl can have a significant impact on their well-being.

Here’s why:

Stainless Steel Dog Bowls are Non-porous and Easy to Clean

Stainless steel bowls are non-porous, meaning bacteria and germs have a much harder time sticking to the surface.

In other words, it’s easier to keep clean than plastic or ceramic bowls, ultimately making it the safer choice for your dog. Months and months of use can leave plastic and ceramic bowls scratched, creating small pockets for bacteria to grow.

Bacteria transfers from the bowl to your pup’s food and mouth, leading to potential infections or illnesses. Proper nutrition is critical during early developmental stages,

Unlike other materials, stainless steel remains smooth and unscratched even after years of use. This makes it a much healthier option for keeping your dog’s food bowl clean. Stainless steel dog bowls are bacteria-resistant, ensuring your dog’s food and water stay fresh and germ-free.

Durability and Longevity of Stainless Steel Bowls

Not only is stainless steel easy to clean, but it’s also incredibly durable. It can withstand a lot of wear and tear without getting scratched or dented. This means you won’t have to constantly replace your dog’s food bowl, saving you money.

Stainless steel won’t rust, corrode, or break down

In today’s culture, you often hear, “They don’t make things like they used to.”

And that’s especially true for most pet supplies you find on the shelves at big box stores and chains. The products there are designed for volume sales and maximum profit, leaving consumers (pet parents) scrambling to replace broken or worn-out items frequently.

When you buy a stainless steel bowl from a trusted pet supplier, you can rest easy knowing your dog’s bowl will last for years to come.


The Environmental Benefits of Stainless Steel Bowls

We’d be remiss not to mention the environmental benefits of choosing stainless steel bowls for your dog’s food.

They are BPA and Chemical-free

Stainless steel is a sustainable and eco-friendly material. It’s also 100% recyclable, so once your dog has outgrown their bowl (or if you choose to upgrade), it can easily be recycled into something new.

Plastic bowls that end up in landfills can take hundreds of years to decompose, releasing harmful toxins into the environment in the process. Here at Majestic Manor Goldens, we believe in protecting all living creatures of our beautiful world.

By choosing stainless steel, you’re not only making a healthier choice for your dog but also helping to reduce waste and protect our planet.

Additional Advantages of Stainless Steel Bowls

Beyond health and durability, stainless steel bowls offer many other advantages.

Sleek and Modern

Let’s face it: most pet bowls are not the most aesthetically pleasing items. They’re often bulky, brightly colored, and easily tipped over by excited pups.

But stainless steel bowls offer a sleek, modern design that can blend seamlessly with your home decor.

Dishwasher Safe

We’ve already mentioned how easy it is to clean stainless steel bowls, but did you know they are also dishwasher safe?

This makes cleanup even more accessible and more convenient for busy pet owners. Simply toss the bowl in with your regular dishes, and voila – a clean, bacteria-free food bowl for your dog.

Different Sizes and Shapes

Stainless steel bowls come in a variety of sizes and shapes, making it easy to find the perfect fit for your dog’s needs.

Whether you have a small or large breed, there is a stainless steel bowl that will work for them.

Tips for Choosing the Right Stainless Steel Bowl

Now that we’ve explained the benefits of stainless steel bowls for your dog’s food, here are a few tips to keep in mind when choosing the right one:

  • Look for high-quality stainless steel with a smooth finish
  • Make sure the bowl is the appropriate size and shape for your dog
  • Consider purchasing a non-skid bottom or mat to prevent spills and messes

By following these tips and choosing stainless steel for your dog’s food bowl, you can rest easy knowing you are making a safe, durable, and eco-friendly choice for your furry family member.

Start Shopping for the Right Stainless Steel Dog Bowl

As a new pet parent, you want the best for your dog, which means making the right choices for all their supplies.

Don’t overlook the importance of choosing the right material for this essential item in your dog’s life. This is precisely why we use stainless steel for all our dog bowls here at Majestic Manor Goldens.

We understand the value of providing our puppies and adult dogs with the healthiest options available, and we believe every pet owner should do the same for their furry friends.

So why wait? Start shopping for your dog’s new stainless steel bowl today and reap all its benefits! Your pup will thank you for it.

Finding a Reputable English Cream Golden Retriever Breeder

English Cream Golden Retrievers, known for their beautiful cream-colored coats and affectionate personalities, have become increasingly popular among dog lovers in recent years.

As a result, more and more families are seeking out these beautiful dogs to welcome them into their homes. However, it is crucial to understand the origins, characteristics, and importance of finding a reputable breeder for this specific breed before making the commitment to bring one home.

In this article, let’s take a closer look at the breed and explore how you can find reputable breeders.

Importance of Finding a Reputable Breeder

1. Health

One of the most critical reasons to find a reputable breeder is to ensure the health of your English Cream Golden Retriever. Reputable breeders will perform health tests on their breeding dogs to minimize the risk of passing on genetic disorders, such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, eye conditions, and heart problems.

A responsible breeder will also provide health records and a guarantee for your puppy’s health.

2. Temperament

Their genetics and early socialization heavily influence the temperament of your English Cream Golden Retriever. Reputable breeders will take care to select dogs with excellent temperaments for their breeding program. They will expose the puppies to sights, sounds, and experiences to ensure they are well-socialized and confident.

By choosing a reputable breeder, you can feel confident knowing that your puppy will have the friendly, affectionate, and gentle temperament that Golden Retrievers are known for.

3. Ethical Breeding Practices

Ethical breeding practices are essential to ensure the dogs’ well-being and the breed’s overall health. Reputable breeders will follow guidelines set by breed clubs and organizations, such as the Golden Retriever Club of America (GRCA) or the AKC.

These guidelines include responsible breeding practices, proper care for the breeding dogs and puppies, and a commitment to the betterment of the breed.

Official Breed Standards

General Appearance and Size

The English Cream Golden Retriever is a strong, muscular, well-balanced dog. These dogs are slightly longer than tall, giving them a powerful and graceful appearance.

Their size ranges from medium to large, with males typically standing between 23 and 24 inches at the shoulder and weighing between 65 and 75 pounds. Females are generally smaller, standing between 21.5 and 22.5 inches at the shoulder and weighing 55 and 65 pounds.

Coat and Color

One of the most distinguishing features of the English Cream Golden Retriever is its beautiful, light-colored coat.

While the AKC and GRCA do not specifically recognize “English Cream” as a separate color, they acknowledge that Golden Retrievers can have coats ranging from light to dark gold. English Cream Golden Retrievers typically have a lighter coat color, ranging from cream to a pale gold.

The coat is dense and water-repellent, with a thick undercoat and a soft, wavy, straight outer coat. Feathering can be found on the back of the legs, underbody, and tail, adding to the breed’s elegant appearance. The coat should be groomed regularly to prevent matting and excessive shedding.

Head and Expression

The head of the English Cream Golden Retriever is broad and slightly arched, with a well-defined stop between the eyes. The eyes are medium to large, with a friendly and intelligent expression. They should be dark brown, with close-fitting rims. The ears are medium size and set close to the head, hanging down and slightly rounded at the tips.

The muzzle is straight and well-balanced, with a smooth and clean-cut appearance. The nose should be black or brownish-black, and the lips should be close-fitting and not pendulous. The teeth should meet in a scissors or level bite, with complete dentition.

Body and Movement

The body of the English Cream Golden Retriever is strong and well-built, with a deep chest, well-sprung ribs, and a level topline. The back is strong and straight, with a broad and muscular loin. The tail is set on at a natural extension of the topline, carried level or slightly curved upwards, but never curled over the back.

The English Cream Golden Retriever’s movement is smooth and effortless, with a strong, ground-covering stride. The legs should move straight and parallel, with good reach in the front and strong drive in the rear. The overall appearance should be one of strength, agility, and grace.


English Cream Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly, outgoing, and affectionate personalities. They are intelligent, eager to please, and highly trainable, making them excellent family pets and ideal for various dog sports and activities. They are also known for their gentle nature, making them suitable for therapy and assistance work.

Red Flags to Watch Out For

  1. Beware of breeders who always have puppies available. Reputable breeders only sometimes have puppies on hand and usually have waiting lists.
  2. Be cautious of breeders who sell puppies at a significantly lower price than the average for their breed. This could indicate that they are cutting corners in breeding, care, or socialization.
  3. Avoid breeders unwilling or unable to show you the parents or their living conditions. Responsible breeders will proudly show you their dogs and where they live.
  4. Steer clear of breeders who cannot provide documentation of health testing or do not offer a health guarantee for their puppies.
  5. Be wary of breeders who do not ask you any questions or do not seem concerned about the suitability of their puppies for your home. Reputable breeders will want to ensure their puppies are going to a loving, responsible home.
  6. Avoid breeders who sell their puppies through pet stores or online without meeting you in person. Responsible breeders will want to meet you and have you meet their puppies before agreeing to sell you one.
  7. Be cautious of breeders who pressure you to make a quick decision or to purchase a puppy without meeting it first. Reputable breeders will want you to take your time and make sure you are making the right choice.
  8. Stay away from breeders who do not have a contract or are unwilling to discuss their contract terms with you.


The English Cream Golden Retriever is a beautiful and loving breed that shares many qualities with the more common Golden Retriever.

Finding a reputable breeder is crucial for ensuring that your English Cream Golden Retriever is healthy, well-tempered, and a perfect fit for your family. Do your research, ask questions, and trust your instincts when selecting a breeder to ensure you find the perfect furry companion for your family.

Majestic Manor Goldens is a family-run, premiere breeder of English Cream Golden Retrievers breeder. We proudly raise healthy, great-tempered dogs for years of love, licks, and loyalty. You’re in the right place if you are looking for an English retriever breeder. Contact us today to learn more and get started!

How to Socialize Your English Cream Golden Retriever Puppy

Welcoming an adorable English Cream Golden Retriever puppy into your home can be overwhelming, especially when you’re wondering how to best raise them into well-rounded adults. One of the most crucial aspects of raising a healthy, well-adjusted dog is proper socialization. Socializing your puppy is not only about teaching them to be friendly but also helps them develop confidence and adaptability in various environments and situations. Failing to properly socialize a puppy can result in a timid or aggressive adult dog, which ultimately diminishes their quality of life.

At Majestic Manor Goldens, our mission is to provide families with healthy and great-tempered English Cream Golden Retrievers that will shower their homes with love, licks, and loyalty. As a family-run, premiere breeder of these beautiful dogs, we know the importance of effective socialization, and we’re here to offer guidance at every stage of your puppy’s journey.

In this blog post, we will walk you through the necessary steps to successfully socialize your English Cream Golden Retriever puppy. We’ll explore the dos and don’ts of introducing your pup to new experiences, people, and other animals, as well as share expert tips to ensure a smooth and positive socialization process for you and your four-legged friend.

brown and white long coated dog on green grass field during daytime

The Importance of Early Socialization

The critical socialization window for puppies is between 3 and 14 weeks of age. During this period, puppies are most receptive to new experiences and can more easily form positive associations with their environment. Although socialization can still be effective after this window has passed, it often requires more time and patience. Therefore, it’s crucial to start socializing your English Cream Golden Retriever puppy as soon as it’s safe to do so, ideally after they’ve received their first round of vaccinations.

Proper Exposure to New Environments

Introducing your English Cream Golden Retriever puppy to various environments is critical for their development. This encourages adaptability and ensures they feel comfortable in diverse situations. Here are some tips for providing your pup with enriching experiences:

  1. Start at Home: Before venturing into the great outdoors, familiarize your puppy with their immediate surroundings. Guide them through different rooms, allowing exploration and interaction with various household items, sounds, and scents.
  2. Gradually Increase Complexity: Begin with calmer settings, such as parks and quiet streets, before exposing your pup to busier environments like pet-friendly stores, and bustling city centers. Observing your puppy’s body language can help you gauge their comfort level and readiness for more complex situations.
  3. Add Variety: Regularly expose your puppy to different surfaces, such as grass, concrete, wood, and gravel, to familiarize them with various textures underfoot. Also, encourage your puppy to experience different sounds and sights, such as passing cars, bicycles, and pedestrians.

Meeting New People and Animals

Developing positive associations with various people and animals helps ensure your English Cream Golden Retriever becomes a friendly and confident companion. Keep these tips in mind when introducing your puppy to others:

  1. Encourage Calm Interactions: Ensure that initial meetings with people and animals are calm and controlled. People should approach your puppy gently, offering treats or affection as rewards for positive behavior. Avoid overwhelming your puppy with excessively enthusiastic greetings, as this can lead to fear or anxiety.
  2. Offer Praise and Rewards: Provide your puppy with verbal praise, treats, and affection when they interact positively with new acquaintances. This reinforces desirable behavior and helps build positive associations with meeting new beings.
  3. Include a Range of Individuals: Introduce your puppy to people of various ages, ethnicities, and abilities, as well as dogs of different breeds, sizes, and temperaments. Teaching your puppy that the world is full of diverse beings will contribute significantly to their overall understanding and social confidence.

Handling Fearful Situations

It’s important to recognize that your English Cream Golden Retriever puppy may exhibit signs of fear or anxiety during the socialization process. Here’s how to handle these situations:

  1. Be Patient and Encouraging: If your puppy seems hesitant or scared, remain calm and supportive. Encourage them with a gentle voice or comforting pats, but avoid forcing them into situations they clearly aren’t comfortable with.
  2. Use Desensitization and Counter-Conditioning Techniques: Gradually expose your puppy to the perceived threat from a safe distance while providing rewards for remaining calm. This can help your pup develop positive associations with the formerly frightening situation.
  3. Consult with a Professional: If your puppy’s fear appears to be unmanageable or worsening despite your efforts, consult with a veterinary behaviorist or certified professional dog trainer. They can provide personalized guidance and strategies to help your pup overcome their anxieties.

Common Socialization Mistakes to Avoid

Finally, to ensure success in your puppy’s socialization journey, avoid these common mistakes:

  1. Skipping the Critical Socialization Window: As mentioned earlier, puppies are most receptive to new experiences between 3 and 14 weeks of age. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to provide your English Cream Golden Retriever with essential early life experiences.
  2. Overwhelming Your Puppy: While it’s crucial to expose your puppy to a variety of situations, people, and animals, it’s essential to gradually introduce new experiences. Pay attention to your puppy’s body language and comfort levels, and avoid pushing them beyond their limits.
  3. Neglecting Ongoing Socialization: While early socialization is crucial, it’s not the end of your puppy’s social skills development. Continue providing exposure to new experiences, people, and animals throughout their life, ensuring they remain adaptable and well-rounded citizens.


Socializing your English Cream Golden Retriever puppy is a vital aspect of raising a well-adjusted, friendly, and confident adult dog. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you’re setting the stage for a successful and enjoyable companionship with your furry family member. Remember to start early, gradually introduce new experiences, and always pay attention to your puppy’s comfort and reactions. By doing so, you’ll help your beloved English Cream Golden Retriever reach their fullest potential as a loving, well-mannered, and joyful canine companion.

Majestic Manor Goldens is a premiere English Cream Retriever breeder. We take pride in raising healthy and great-tempered dogs. Contact us now for more details.